How long does it take an abscessed tooth to go away

Health related question in topics Abscessed Teeth .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it take an abscessed tooth to go away”,you can compare them.

A:An abscessed tooth normally does not go away on its own. It might need to be drained, have root canal and/or take antibiotics. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take an abscessed tooth to go away
How long does it take an abscessed tooth to go away
An abscessed tooth normally does not go away on its own. It might need to be drained, have root canal and/or take antibiotics.
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How long does it take for the swelling from an abscess tooth to g…?
usually takes 2-3 days, but it will come back if the cause is not treated. Need to take inflammatory too.

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Q: How long does it take for the swelling caused by an abscess tooth to go away when taking penicillen.
A: usually takes 2-3 days, but it will come back if the cause is not treated. Need to take inflammatory too.
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Q: i had my tooth pulled monday..and my face is still a little swollen. how long does it usualy take before the swelling goes away ?
A: most dentists will not pull an abcessed tooth, they give you antibiotics to take care of the abcess and then pull the tooth.the swelling from extraction can last up to a week, you can speed the process by appling an icepack to that side of your face for fifteen minutes every four hours or so.
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Q: I’m on Cipro for a tooth abscess. I have only been taking it for a day and a half, but if possible, I would like to know when I can expect the pain and swelling to go down. I can’t sleep, I can barely eat, and I can hardly function with all the painkillers that I am taking (and are barely even working anymore). 🙁
A: Most likely around day 3 you should start feeling the pain go away, I too have been on Cipro for an abcess and it has taken around that long for me to notice it going away without pain meds.
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