Is fluid in the lungs curable

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is fluid in the lungs curable”,you can compare them.

There is treatment for fluid in the lungs. Medications or surgery are necessary to remove the fluid. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is fluid in the lungs curable
Is fluid in the lungs curable
There is treatment for fluid in the lungs. Medications or surgery are necessary to remove the fluid. ChaCha again soon!

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Does my kitten really have FIP?!?
Q: I went to the vet yesterday becasuse my kitten was lethargic, not eating or drinking very much and seemed to be sleeping a lot. She had an eye infection the previous week so I figured it was simply part of the illness that had developed. When I took her into the vet they said she had a fever and a swollen abdomen and on top of that she had fluid in her lungs! I am so upset! Is there anyway that this can be pneumonia or something curable? What a horrible disease!
A: Oh, I am so sorry. I just lost my cat of 13 years to this terrible disease. I’m still crying every morning when I wake up and she’s not there. It’s such a rotten, rotten thing.It’s natural to hope for a misdiagnosis when you’re first told that your kitty has FIP, especially if she just doesn’t seem that sick. I did exactly the same thing. But truthfully, if your vet felt strongly that it was FIP, then it almost certainly is. You will know very shortly that it is not something else: cats with FIP go downhill so quickly. I’m so very sorry. I know that this is the last thing you want to think about right now, but it really will help you so much later on if you can manage to work out options for euthanasia now, so that when the time comes, everything will be laid in place and you won’t have to do anything more taxing than make a phone call. You will know when it’s time.
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