Is it possible to change the color of an iris

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Eye color changes naturally as we age. But Eye color surgery is available as well as colored contacts. thanks for texting ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to change the color of an iris
Is it possible to change the color of an iris
Eye color changes naturally as we age. But Eye color surgery is available as well as colored contacts. thanks for texting ChaCha!
Is it possible to permanetly change your iris color??
I’ve never heard of that one, I know they can do all sorts of lasik surgeries & such, but I don’t think they have any that can change the eye color. That would be great if they did though, I’d like to change my eye color too
Why do iris change color?
If your iris are blooming a different color than originally purchased, it is because of letting your iris go to seed: the bloom stalk was not removed shortly after blooming. Bees do a wonderful job of pollinating different colors for the fo…

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hi, i was wondering how to change your eye color in pictures ?
Q: i am an asian :Dcept in one of my pictures i want to change the eyecolor from dark brown to blue . but photobucket cant do it only possible with photoshop ?please tell me if there is an other site to use thats free online to change my iris color in pics. thanks (: <3
A: not sure about the online tool but photoshop is a great image editing tool, its very easy to change the color of eyes in this tool.u can refer this tutorial :
Is it possible for eyes to change color?
Q: When I was born I had blue which changed to dark brown when I was six months old. A few years ago when I was around 11 I noticed they looked lighter. Now that I’m 16, they have green around the edge of the iris and change from very light brown/almost green to dark brown depending on the day. I know they are hazel now. Why is this happening and will they turn completely green? I’m just curious. I like them this color.My mom has dark brown eyes: her mother has green (I’m not sure whether they’ve been that way her whole life) and her father had brown.My dad has blue eyes: Both his parents had blue.
A: Yeah, they can change. My eyes change colors all the time. Blue, green, gray, and sometimes have a bit of gold in them.
Can eyes change color slowly but over time?
Q: I was born with green eyes that turned dark brown quickly. At 23, my eyes changed to a lighter brown (and I checked…it wasn’t clothes or lighting). Then they went dark again. Of what I know of, before the changes my irises were fully brown. Now at 24, they seem to be getting lighter again. Today when I looked in the mirror, I have a brown circle around the iris, and the outside is green. Is it possible they change over time, or is the melanin amount my irises are producing just fluctuating? I’m wondering if my eyes are turning back to green. Thanks
A: Yes! It is possible.
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