What are reasons for gums to hurt

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A:If your gums hurt a tooth may have become abscessed, causing the surrounding bone to become infected.ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-reasons-for-gums-to-hurt ]
More Answers to “What are reasons for gums to hurt
What are reasons for gums to hurt
If your gums hurt a tooth may have become abscessed, causing the surrounding bone to become infected.ChaCha on!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can an abscessed tooth cause all of your gums to hurt?
Q: I have one abscessed tooth. I was supposed to get a root canal tpday, but they cancelled. It is my top right tooth, but for some weird reason, my gums on the front bottom hurt really bad, and there is nothing wrong with those teeth. Now I have to wait a week to get in, and I am in pain, all of myteeth are really sensitive suddenly. Is this because of the abscess? What can I do?
A: Reasons why other teeth might hurt:1) there may actually be a problem with other teeth2) pain from one tooth referred to another area (doesn’t usually occur from top to bottom)3) pain in one tooth causes you to “shift your bite”, or chew in a unusual way. This can cause teeth to contact in unusual ways which may cause sensitivity.4) dental problems and pain causes anxiety and stress which can lead to cleanching jaws or grinding teeth. If those front teeth all started hurting suddenly (sensitive to cold?) then I would bet this is your problem.
My lower gums hurt for some reason?
Q: Yesterday night I was just on the computer, then suddenly my lower gums started to hurt, well It’s not like they really hurt they are just a bother. It feels like there’s a block or something. This pain is located right next to the thing that connects your bottom lips and your bottom gums together. I don’t have braces either. What could this be?It only hurts when i move around my bottom lips or when i talk.
A: bad brushing habits. you should prolly go to your dentist to get a cleaning or something is wrong with the tiny mussels in your lip
First just one spot on my gums hurt, then when I took aspirin, the pain moved out of my gums into my teeth?
Q: I asked this question a few hours ago:There’s this one spot on my gums, in the back, that really hurts. It’s not a constant thing, mostly just when I eat (and I mean when I eat *any*thing), but sometimes it comes around for no reason too. I know it’s not a wisdom tooth coming through, because it’s the tooth in front of the back one. The spot feels just like when my wisdom tooth was coming in though. Thing is, it’s not my tooth at all. All my teeth feel fine, it’s just the gums right next to it (and just the inner side, not the outer side). And (I know, I know, tmi)…sometimes it bleeds when I brush it, and sometimes it doesn’t, but that’s the only spot. My other gums don’t bleed at all.So why does this one spot on my gums hurt so bad?I would think it was some sort of infection, but I had a gum infection a few years ago on the other side, and the gums around the tooth got soft and kinda puffy (I know, sorry, more tmi). This isn’t like that at all. The gums hurt, but feel just as firm as the ones around all the other teeth.and got no response.But now…I took a two aspirin, and the pain moved out of my gums and into my teeth, and on both top & bottom. (I think. It’s become more of a generalised pain on the right side, not just one localised spot).I’m going to a walk-in dentist later today, but I’d still like to know in the meantime. What could be causing this?
A: don’t listen to this guy above… thats a plant disease!it is probably just an irritated nerve from your tooth. nerves from your teeth aline all around in your mouth… what a dentist could do is to locate the problem with a simple x-ray scan, and then find the simplest solution for it. so if i were you i wouldnt worry too much. i had a similar experience from boxing. i got a right hook punch on my left jaw, and a few days later even talking hurt this one spot in my mouth. so i thought i might have had a small brake. but the hospital sent me to a dentist, and she found out that i had torn a nerve that went from my tooth to my lower jaw. all she did was kill the nerve and i have never had any trouble with it since.
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