What can cause an abscessed tooth

Health related question in topics Abscessed Teeth .We found some answers as below for this question “What can cause an abscessed tooth”,you can compare them.

A:A painful infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth, it’s most commonly caused by severe tooth decay. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-an-abscessed-tooth ]
More Answers to “What can cause an abscessed tooth
What causes an absessed tooth?
Abscessed tooth only happens for three reasons; when teeth are damaged such as an untreated cavity, a person brushed their teeth properly, and lastly the gum diseases. Those are the three causes to an abscessed tooth.
Can an abscessed tooth cause sinus problems?
Definitely – specifically and upper wisdom tooth. Often the roots of wisdom teeth run into the sinus cavity and even some of the upper molars. If the tooth is abscessed and infected, it can cause serious problems. Infections in the mouth ru…
Will drainage of abscessed tooth cause stomach ache?
It can. The drainage contains a very high bacteria count of organisms we already know you are not immune to. The infection can in fact travel this way.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can an abscessed tooth cause all of your gums to hurt?
Q: I have one abscessed tooth. I was supposed to get a root canal tpday, but they cancelled. It is my top right tooth, but for some weird reason, my gums on the front bottom hurt really bad, and there is nothing wrong with those teeth. Now I have to wait a week to get in, and I am in pain, all of myteeth are really sensitive suddenly. Is this because of the abscess? What can I do?
A: Reasons why other teeth might hurt:1) there may actually be a problem with other teeth2) pain from one tooth referred to another area (doesn’t usually occur from top to bottom)3) pain in one tooth causes you to “shift your bite”, or chew in a unusual way. This can cause teeth to contact in unusual ways which may cause sensitivity.4) dental problems and pain causes anxiety and stress which can lead to cleanching jaws or grinding teeth. If those front teeth all started hurting suddenly (sensitive to cold?) then I would bet this is your problem.
Can an abscessed tooth cause encephalitis??
Q: I have asked a few questions about my mom having encephalitis and getting epilepsy from it, but we don’t know what caused the encephalitis. I know misquitos can give it to you, but she just got it recently and lives in very cold weather so it’s not likely. The only other thing wrong with her is that she has a very bad tooth and needs a root canal. It swells up sometimes and she can’t afford a root canal so they told her to get it pulled, but she refuses because she doesn’t want a missing tooth. I know how dumb that sounds compared to your health but I don’t think she knew it could cause something so horrible. Obviously I am going to force her to get it pulled now, but is this the likely cause of the encephalitis and should she be on antibiotics until she can get to the dentist? She doesn’t need it again. It has already been devastating.
A: Encephalitis is usually a viral infection of the brain. A dental abscess is a bacterial infection. The two are not related at all. However, your mother is seriously ill and having a dental abscess on top of her other medical problems can weaken the immune system further and cause cardiac problems. She needs to be on antibiotics ASAP and deal with the infected tooth. She is really playing Russian Roulette with her health!
What can an Abscess Tooth cause?
Q: I recently looked at my gums where I’ve been having trouble with the same tooth for the past 3 years, if not more. Well a few days ago I discovered a small bump on my gums, above that same tooth. I had it looked at by my ex who just had an Abscess and my ex confirmed that’s what it was. Except mine wasn’t as bad hers. She had drainage (ew!!) mine is just there but… I have had: – Irregular heart beat- Ear aches (Flu like symptoms)- Stomach pains- Bitter taste in my mouth on occasion. Could this be caused by the tooth?
A: Thats exactly what happened to me and yes ive had a lot of abscesses in my mouth. You should definitely go to the dentist. If those symptoms are connected then you probably need a root canal. (I needed one) If its been 3 years then you should make an appointment with your doctor!Good luck
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