What causes rectal abscesses

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A:And body fluids collect. This forms pus. Rectal abscesses can form near the opening or be much higher up in the rectum. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-rectal-abscesses ]
More Answers to “What causes rectal abscesses
What causes Rectal abscess?
Causes of Rectal abscess: see causes of Rectal abscess

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Q: I constantly have a waxy like clear fluid like substance that discharges from my skin, ears, neck, chin, etc. Just recently I had a peri-rectal abscess drained and treated with surgery. I am taking Rifampin and Bactrim until I have a surgery follow-up examination. My face, neck and scalp still secretes this waxy substance. All this started with boils that migrated from a boil in both thighs,then my scalp and finally my peri-rectal area. I have no sexual transmitted disease. I also have a lot of fluid in my neck and in both ears that seems to never go away. I use Debrox to try to remove the cerumin (wax) in my ears. To no avail, I have been treated with Minocycline and Doxycycline for a possible ear infection. I have been told that I have follicultis, atopic dermatits and possible allergies of some sort. Sometimes my ear canals are so swollen the Debrox cannot flow into the ear canal. My nasal passages often swell. I do not have a nasal discharge. What could be causing these events?Yes, I have seen a Dermatologist. Other than prescribing a couple steroid creams which did not help, I am anxiously awaiting to maybe have a lesion cultured. After my recent surgery for the peri-rectal abscess, I was told that I was methilin resistant during a blood culture. What does that really mean? Is that why my ear infection continues to flare up? I am dumbfounded!
A: I would suggest you get tested for TOXINS / why???? The environment we live in is causing you alot of problems / they are trying really hard to get out of your body / I feel very angry that they have let this go on / I hate that you have to suffer at there expense. Once you have determined what kind of toxins are poisoning you./ get a total body cleanse to get rid of these toxins. My husband works in a steal factory / he would get these huge boils on his cheeks / so I know what i”m talking about / I also own a herbal store.
bartholin plugged glands and rectal abscess in women?
Q: I am a married woman with five children, youngest 4 years old. Recently I have been to the doctor to discover a rectal abcess. I have a surgery consultation scheduled soon. But most recently I had vaginal pain. Nothing seemed to have caused it—not intercourse, not sitting or standing too long. Just a bit of pain which is mild, and to one side. But after investigating with a mirror and the help of my husband, the two bartholin glands, which I understand are not usually visible, are quite visible, although not painful. The pain was just on the inside of the labia. I am frightened and want to know what kind of condition could make these things happen in me. STD’s are not possible unless they could be 19 years ago. Always a chance of my spouse being unfaithful but this is highly unlikely due to working together long hours and always knowing where each other are. Your help would be appreciated, and please, only serious comments.
A: The vag pain could be due to swelling and pressure from the rectal abcess. Or the infection could have spread, which is probably what is causing the Bartholin glands to be swollen. However, since we are not doctors, and even if we were we cannot give you an exam we really can’t answer that question. You really need to call your gyn tomorrow and discuss it with them.
Hi,could I have your input on this case, just answer what you know or can remember or you thik is right.Thanks
Q: E.A. 18 year old female sought admission for abdominal painChief complaint: abdominal painHPI- patient’s condition started 5 hours prior to admission as sudden onset of abdominal pain more on the epigastric are with vomiting of 4 episodes. Patient tried to take antacids but there was no relief. 1 hour prior to admission, the pain became more intense at the right lower quadrant of the abdomen thus was admitted.PE- conscious, coherent, ambulatory patient with the following vital signs:BP-110/80HR- 90/minrr-24/minT-37.3CAbdomen – flat, soft, (+) muscle guarding, (+) direct and rebound tenderness on the right lower quadrant, (+) Rovsing’s sign, (+) psoas sign, (+) obturator sign, (+) cough tendernessRectal exam – tight sphincter tone, no masses, (+) right pararectal wall tenderness, (-) blood or feces on examining finger.1.What is happening to the patient?2.What is your impression?3.What is your differential diagnosis? If children? Elderly? Male vs female?4.Review the anatomy of your impression.5.how to do a proper abdominal examination?6.What are the causes of your impression?7.What are the stages of your impression?8.What is the most important sign for your impression?9.What is the importance of those signs mentioned?10.Do you have to licit all those signs?11.Do you have to do a rectal exam in this patient?12.Make a sample admitting orders for this patient.13.Why do you request for a CBC? Urinalysis?14.Can the diagnosis be based on history and PE only?15.What diagnostic modalities can you request?16.What are the chances for perforation in this patient? If she is younger or older?17.How do you prepare the patient for surgery?18.If you are the anesthesiologist and patient took a meal 4 hours prior to admission, what will you do?19.What microorganisms are you dealing with?20.What antibiotic will you give preoperatively? why? What is the cost of your preferred antibiotic?21.What incision will you make? What is McBurney’s incision?22.What is gridiron incision? Rocky Davis incision?23.What are the layers of the abdominal wall that you will traverse?24.Upon opening the peritoneal cavity, you encounter turbid fluid, what will you do?25.If you encounter an abscess around your impression, what will you do?26.Will you leave a drain, why?27.If your impression turns out to be normal, what will you do?28.After surgery, will you close the skin? What suture will you use? Why?29.How do you give post-op care following surgery? If your impression has ruptured?30.What are the complications to watch out for after surgery of your impression?31.If you are dealing with a child with a not so clear history, what should you do?32.How do you make progress notes of your patient?
A: This is classic acute appendicitis.Your question is too long, but I’ll give you a few minutes with it.1.What is happening to the patient? HIS APPENDIX IS OBSTRUCTED, probably RUPTURED, with a pararectal ABSCESS and PERITONITIS2.What is your impression? ACUTE COMPLICATED APPENDICITIS3.What is your differential diagnosis? If children? Elderly? Male vs female? CHILDREN: CONSIDER VOLVULUS, INTUSSICEPTION and WORMS. ELDERLY: BOWEL INFARCT, WOMAN: OVARIAN LESION, TUBAL PREGNANCY4.Review the anatomy of your impression. THE APPX IS IN THE RLQ NEAR THE CECUM5.how to do a proper abdominal examination? LYING FLAT AND STILL, with RECTAL and PELVIC, may need ANAGESICS to examine.6.What are the causes of your impression? AS ABOVE7.What are the stages of your impression?8.What is the most important sign for your impression? REBOUND PAIN (implies rupture)9.What is the importance of those signs mentioned? SUGGEST RUPTURED APPX10.Do you have to elicit all those signs? NO11.Do you have to do a rectal exam in this patient? YES12.Make a sample admitting orders for this patient. admit to surgery or ICU, frequent vitals, NPO, high flow IV fluids, antibiotics after cultures drawn, CBC/LYTES/BUN-Cr/LFTs/PT-PTT/UA, stat pelvic radiology, analgesics, urine catheter, monitor I/O, surgical and anesthesia consult13.Why do you request for a CBC? Urinalysis? CBC for SEPSIS, DIC. U/A for signs of renal shock/ARF, spec. grav. for fluid status14.Can the diagnosis be based on history and PE only? NEARLY, BUT NO15.What diagnostic modalities can you request? ULTRASOUND OR CT of the PELVIS AND ABOMEN16.What are the chances for perforation in this patient? If she is younger or older? GOOD, OFTEN WITHOUT PERITONEAL SIGNS IN THE ELDERLY.17.How do you prepare the patient for surgery? SEE ORDERS18.If you are the anesthesiologist and patient took a meal 4 hours prior to admission, what will you do? NG or GASTRIC TUBE AND GASTRIC LAVAGE19.What microorganisms are you dealing with? ENTERIC GRAM NEGATIVE RODS20.What antibiotic will you give preoperatively? why? What is the cost of your preferred antibiotic? BROAD SPECTRUM AMINOGLYCOSIDE with SEMISYNTHTIC 4th GEN PENICILLIN21.What incision will you make? What is McBurney’s incision?22.What is gridiron incision? Rocky Davis incision?23.What are the layers of the abdominal wall that you will traverse?24.Upon opening the peritoneal cavity, you encounter turbid fluid, what will you do?25.If you encounter an abscess around your impression, what will you do? DRAIN IT26.Will you leave a drain, why? YES, TO DRAIN THE ABSCESS CAVITY27.If your impression turns out to be normal, what will you do? REMOVE THE APPX
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