What does abscessed mean

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A:Abscessed is an adjective that means infected and filled with pus; “an abscessed tooth”. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-abscessed-mean ]
More Answers to “What does abscessed mean
What does abscessed mean?
It means a swollen area between body tissue that has accumulated pus.
Does this mean my rats abscess has burst?
It’s ok if the scab does come loose because this way the infection can continue to drain & then the wound can heal. Since rats heal pretty quickly, a scab often forms *over* the infection, which isn’t good. Cleaning the area like you’ve…
Does tooth abscess mean I need a root canal?
The kind of symptoms you are showing, and even without looking at the xrays, I can say, there is fair chance that this tooth has an abcess and abcess can only be treated by RCT. Nerves of the tooth are not dead, but are infected with micro …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does this mean I have an abscessed tooth?
Q: If the gum lining around the tooth is swollen, and kind of hurts, is that an abscess? I have to get a root canal tomorrow. I am so scared that I want to throw up. I am a wuss. Yea, thats right, a wuss. So, I put this off for too long, and now its all swollen. What else could it be?
A: I hate you have to go through that. If that tooth is hurting and you are already going to get a root canal on that same tooth, then it is abscessed. Ask your doctor if he has any nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to help relax you.
What is a root canal?
Q: Do they remove the whole tooth? I have a cavity under a filling and the root is slightly abscessed. I’m not even sure what abscessed means.
A: abscess is infection, you have an infected tooth, it is quite literally rotting under that filling. a root canal is removal of all the pulp and nerve tissue inside the tooth, using a drill. The tooth is then packed with replacement material and prepared for a crown. The crown protects the now dead tooth, so you don’t lose it to breakage.
How Do I Know IF I Have A Abscessed Tooth?
Q: I have a tooth that’s been filled once, And it’s got another big cavity on the other side of the tooth. Underneath the tooth has a puss pocket. Does this mean it’s abscessed?. If so what will the Dentist do?.
A: Ladies,Without a doubt something is abscessed! May be this tooth and probably is this tooth. You basically have two options1. Root canal, and some restoration over the tooth.2. Extraction (with possible implant or fixed partial denture (bridge) to replace the missing tooth.Sorry, that’s about it for options.Dr. Dan
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