What does absesed mean

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A:Did you mean abscessed? Abscessed (noun) is a localized collection of pus in the tissues of the body, often accompanied MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-absesed-mean ]
More Answers to “What does absesed mean
What does absesed mean
Did you mean abscessed? Abscessed (noun) is a localized collection of pus in the tissues of the body, often accompanied MORE?

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I am absesed HELP!!!?
Q: Ok Im in love with this way older guy and ive become absesed. I didnt mean to it just happened. I know there is like a medical term for this but I dont know what it is. I know I need help so can you tell me what to do please. Im desperate!!!Oh and only serious answers please!!!!!!!!!
A: You are probably not really in love with him. Maybe you see him as a father figure. Just try to interact with guys that are closer to your age. You will get over it. Sometimes that happens when you are a teenager. Whatever you do, dont tell him, because if you do, one of these things will happen:1. he is a sick pervert and he will only take advantage of you. You will end up a pregnant teen, or abused.2. he is actually a good and mature man, the it will make things akward between you two, and he will get away from you forever. He wont like you, he will be afraid that you will ruin his life by him being accused of a child molester. That could totally ruing his repuatation, all because of a little obsessed teenager.whatever you do, dont let your thoughts become actions.
AM i anorexic.!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Q: AM i anorexic.!!!!!!!!!!!!!?HEre are the symtoms,My bones are hurtingI have chest painsmy bone above my pelvic are is sticking out (is that normal)Everytime I eat something I get full quickI get heartburnI Eat vitimis everydayI burp and get gassy a lotIm constipatedWHat do they mean. I was absesed about my fat now im not anymore I want to eat now but i can’t because my stomach gets full fast. I lost like 8 pounds. IM 4^11 and 14 and 85 pounds. I haven’t lost after that though. Do you think That im anorexic?I mean the differnce is that i love to eat and i want to eat but can’t.I lost 10 pounds in one month do you think drinking more milk and vitims will help me gain weight to normal again and forcing myself to eat even if i can’t or should i start little by little.I don’t think im fat i think that im boney and very worried
A: No, you don’t sound anorexic. You sound like you have a digestive problem. You need to see a doctor, maybe for an ultrasound or x-ray to find out if there’s some obstruction in your stomach causing this. One thing you can try is several small meals or snacks a day, but see a doctor anyway. If you can’t, go talk to your school nurse.
please give me the meaning of my dream?
Q: i dreamt about my best friend who is female and in the dream i wanted to be around her and got absesed. what do this dream mean?I’m female .
A: Pretty simple. You have an subconscious desire to physically approach your friend. Dreams are all about your subconscious. Your subconscious has the possibility of showing off through your dreams. Basically, you can’t control your subconscious. Even if you keep telling yourself some things and auto-suggest feelings, your mind will ultimately refuse to lie to itself. In conclusion, you should start thinking about your feelings regarding this friend of yours. Your subconscious is trying to let you know that something is happening in that area and you should give it a thought.
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