What does it mean if your armpits hurt when you touch them

Health related question in topics Armpit .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean if your armpits hurt when you touch them”,you can compare them.

A:You could have an abscess of the armpit or a reactive lymphadenopathy. Thanks for using ChaCha this morning, ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-your-armpits-hurt-when-you-touch-them ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if your armpits hurt when you touch them
What does it mean if your armpits hurt when you touch them
You could have an abscess of the armpit or a reactive lymphadenopathy. Thanks for using ChaCha this morning, ChaCha on!

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Q: Your Open QuestionShow me another » Lady’s I need you! Heard that some women DON’T show hcg in their pee?We are trying to have another baby and my last period came on July 13Th and lasted until around the 17Th. I was testing for ovulation with test kits and indeed got 5 positive tests. So I ovulated 3 of those days I think! They started on July 28-Aug1st. So meaning I ovulated the 29Th-31st(?) I am almost positive. I read that just because you got the positive LH surge doesn’t mean that you ovulated, BUT the LH surge is what makes the egg come out and I got it for 3 days. So I had to of ovulated.. (that’s what I read anyway). My cycles always ranged from 30-33 days the average being 32. Well currently I am in cycle day 41. I am around 23 days past ovulation. NO period, negative home pregnancy tests. I hear that a lot of times your body slowly, hardly, or does not metabolize hCG into your urine.I feel like something is going to happen I have been getting PMS for like 2 weeks, I have been so tired hungry and just feel life less sometimes even after I slept all night. My body is just so achy I have swollen and sore boobs they especially hurt on the sides like almost in my armpit its weird. Also when I try to eat i have no appetite or I try to eat and after I have barley touched my food I will gag if I try to eat anymore. Also I have been having a lot of creamy white CM. This has all been happening for like 2 weeks. I know SOMETHING has to happen. That egg either has to come out (period) or turn into a pregnancy. There is no in the middle. I have had no bleeding or anything.I read on https://www.peeonastick.com that if you have negative urine and blood tests in some circumstances you can be pregnant without a positive blood test. What do you all think. Should I go get a blood test?I entered in my info on a pregnancy calculator and it said gestational age would be around 5 weeks which also brings me to say some women don’t get positive tests until past 6 weeks. I am just super confused I really feel like I am pregnant.Then again I think no the HPT was neg. The last test I took was a first response and I think I took it the 19Th.But I took an EPT a while ago and people said it was positive. but others weren’t.http://i36.tinypic.com/dp7ejd.jpgIs this evap ( i nicked the test a bit sorry)I know that if I am pregnant I don’t think I am having a m/c b/c I have had one before and I’m not feeling any of the signs as before.Please tell me what I should do.p.s I copied this question from one I posted earlier and got no response!thanks
A: True true true…I never knew I was pregnant with my son until I was almost three months along…every hpt I took came back negative until we made a trip to the clinic and they took blood….so it’s very possible….
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