What does it mean when your stomach hurts and your left side of your face hurts

Health related question in topics Stomach Hurts .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when your stomach hurts and your left side of your face hurts”,you can compare them.

A:This could be Abscessed Tooth, Anesthesia Dolorosa, Atypical Facial Pain, Cluster Headache, Eagle’s Syndrome and more. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-stomach-hurts-and-your-left-side-of-your-face-hurts ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when your stomach hurts and your left side of your face hurts
What does it mean when your stomach hurts and your left side of y…?
This could be Abscessed Tooth, Anesthesia Dolorosa, Atypical Facial Pain , Cluster Headache, Eagle’s Syndrome and more.

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Does anyone have a “nice question” regarding our new President?
Q: I’m a 6’6″ white male. I’m actually sick to my stomach while reading all of the mean, one-sided, s****y comments regarding “the other side”, instead of being men, bridging the gap, and working things out. Each and every one of you works with members of a different nationality or color or sex or religion, and you almost certainly have a mutual respect, probably friendship with those people. When you say you hate all the “whoever”, in your head you say “Except Dave, he’s a good guy, and Mike, he ain’t bad either, etc.”Try to realize that when you look at a couple of black kids holding up your “busy” schedule by blocking you while they’re trying to get out of the street safely, your eyes say the n-word. When you do that, you look like someone that likes to kick babies. People everywhere make all kinds of jokes about you, but you don’t hear them bc you’re not one of the cool kids. I draw a blank when I try to imagine what it’s like to look at another person that way. I’ve never made eye contact with anyone with anything less than mutual respect, and I grew up in inner-city Baltimore. Grow up a little bit.People tend to treat you the way you treat them. Putting anyone in a “box” makes them resentful and angry. I’m automatically put in the box you made for me with years of comments under your breath. It sucks. The burden is on me to prove myself racially unaware. Thankfully, God has made me a very fair person. (Yes, I was raised Catholic, but I don’t believe in shoving Him down others throats)Pull your head out of your rear and take a look around you. We have two wars currently going on in places so far away we have two totally different fashion scenes. There is somewhere between 0 – 50% unemployment, depending on who you ask. Our advanced, “future” technology is focused on making walkmans that can talk to you, and maybe jerk you off. Our sky’s are nasty and there’s trash in every stream, river, lake or ocean you’ve ever been to. The future plans of the auto industry include selling us more trucks we can’t afford to get to jobs we don’t have. We’re still smoking cigarettes, still getting drunk, still lusting after women other than our wives. Most businesses are still trying to make a profit so they can “get theirs” before there’s none left, instead of dipping into profits a little and providing some much needed relief to all of us. You run all the little guys out of business, it’s ignorant.I’m non-political, so I hope Obama does good for our country for the good of my children and the world they have to live in. My facts may be incorrect, but the gist is we all gotta get it together, and quick, and help each other get out of this mess or there won’t be much left to fight over. When you see someone hurt, you help ’em up. We’re all hurtin’ right now, and we need to help each other up. We can do such beautiful things when we want to. If you need proof as to what humans are capable of, we have r/c cars on another planet, and we kicked the man in the moon in face. We’ve seen an actual atom in a microscope. Unfortunately, we’ve also wiped thousands of species off the face of the Earth, become hooked on weed/cocaine/heroin/pills/alcohol/cigs + sex/money/power/fame, and treated our friends/family/neighbors so bad it’s a wonder we have any at all. We’ve turned humanity’s birthright into a seething cesspool chock full of sharks more fearsome than nature could’ve ever imagined.Finally, if for some reason you don’t agree with me, take some time, seriously, and think about what you want to leave your kids. It really is time to grow up as a species and take care of what we’ve got, because Honda isn’t making planets, yet.
A: WOW are you sure your’e white. No offense. I have never heard a white man talk like this. I am in tears. This is what some blacks have been saying for a long time. They just wanted to be accepted and judged due to their character not their color. God bless you sir.
Does anyone have a “nice” question about our new President?
Q: I’m a 6’6″ white male. I’m actually sick to my stomach while reading all of the mean, one-sided, s****y comments regarding “the other side”, instead of being men, bridging the gap, and working things out. Each and every one of you works with members of a different nationality or color or sex or religion, and you almost certainly have a mutual respect, probably friendship with those people. When you say you hate all the “whoever”, in your head you say “Except Dave, he’s a good guy, and Mike, he ain’t bad either, etc.”Try to realize that when you look at a couple of black kids holding up your “busy” schedule by blocking you while they’re trying to get out of the street safely, your eyes say the n-word. When you do that, you look like someone that likes to kick babies. People everywhere make all kinds of jokes about you, but you don’t hear them bc you’re not one of the cool kids. I draw a blank when I try to imagine what it’s like to look at another person that way. I’ve never made eye contact with anyone with anything less than mutual respect, and I grew up in inner-city Baltimore. Grow up a little bit.People tend to treat you the way you treat them. Putting anyone in a “box” makes them resentful and angry. I’m automatically put in the box you made for me with years of comments under your breath. It sucks. The burden is on me to prove myself racially unaware. Thankfully, God has made me a very fair person. (Yes, I was raised Catholic, but I don’t believe in shoving Him down others throats)Pull your head out of your rear and take a look around you. We have two wars currently going on in places so far away we have two totally different fashion scenes. There is somewhere between 0 – 50% unemployment, depending on who you ask. Our advanced, “future” technology is focused on making walkmans that can talk to you, and maybe jerk you off. Our sky’s are nasty and there’s trash in every stream, river, lake or ocean you’ve ever been to. The future plans of the auto industry include selling us more trucks we can’t afford to get to jobs we don’t have. We’re still smoking cigarettes, still getting drunk, still lusting after women other than our wives. Most businesses are still trying to make a profit so they can “get theirs” before there’s none left, instead of dipping into profits a little and providing some much needed relief to all of us. You run all the little guys out of business, it’s ignorant.I’m non-political, so I hope Obama does good for our country for the good of my children and the world they have to live in. My facts may be incorrect, but the gist is we all gotta get it together, and quick, and help each other get out of this mess or there won’t be much left to fight over. When you see someone hurt, you help ’em up. We’re all hurtin’ right now, and we need to help each other up. We can do such beautiful things when we want to. If you need proof as to what humans are capable of, we have r/c cars on another planet, and we kicked the man in the moon in face. We’ve seen an actual atom in a microscope. Unfortunately, we’ve also wiped thousands of species off the face of the Earth, become hooked on weed/cocaine/heroin/pills/alcohol/cigs/porn/money/power/fame, and treated our friends/family/neighbors so bad it’s a wonder we have any at all. We’ve turned humanity’s birthright into a seething cesspool chock full of sharks more fearsome than nature could’ve ever imagined.Finally, if for some reason you don’t agree with me, take some time, seriously, and think about what you want to leave your kids. It really is time to grow up as a species and take care of what we’ve got, because Honda isn’t making planets, yet.So because you think the election was a sham, it’s better to sit on your a** and cry like a 2 year old? Well, I’ve got news for you. I’ve got kids to build a future for, Thozz, and if you’re not willing to put aside petty differences, get the eff outta my way!! I’m MUCH bigger than you are, lol!BTW, I didn’t vote Obama 🙂 (when you assume, it makes an “a**” out of “u” and “me”)
A: Sounds as if you have bought into all this doom and gloom being spouted by the left. I am a bit older than you and have seen more of the world. I have been through many economic downturns and survived. At least one was much worse than this one in the late 70’s and early 80’s with double digit inflation, a 21% prime rate and people camping out for days at unemployment offices to sign up for their benefits. Entire industries were decimated and some disappeared. Believe me the economic situation today is bright compared to then. Even with all those problems we were able to recover by good leadership by Ronald Reagan who greatly lowered the tax burden on us all which started the greatest and longest economic expansion the world has ever seen. It was stopped only by a tax increase at the middle of the last term of Bill Clinton.The rhetoric we keep hearing from Obama is more of the same policies that got us into this current situation by increasing taxes and growing government. President Kennedy proved long ago that we cannot tax our way into prosperity. Someone needs to pull Obama aside and tell him that the election is over and that he has won. It is now time to stop the ridiculous trash talk and move the country in a positive direction instead of the constant diatribe of doom and gloom that is coming from his administration and his enamored and adoring press. We can to many Americans means getting the government off our backs and let us do what we do best. Give us hope and not despair.In ChristFr. Joseph
Hmm. Who has time on their hands?
Q: Soo, my aunt passed away a couple weeks ago and i wrote this to her. I just wanted people to read it nd comment. and if you could change a part in it how would you do it. Also if there are any grammar errors please let me know. thankyou. My Dear Loving Aunt Raya,When you left, you forgot to leave my heart behind. When you left I thought that it was the end of the world. That I was never going to recover from this pain. Each memory was like a stab in the stomach. I couldn’t take it. Until I remembered seeing you happy .Laughing. Smiling. Just remembering your voice, and seeing you’re smile. Then it hit me. I was relieved. Relieved that you were finally in peace. Relieved that there was no more pain. No more suffering. You were free. Free of everything. Then I began to feel happy. Happy because I wouldn’t have to hold you’re hand and watch you suffer anymore and know that there was nothing I can do other then try to comfort you, by rubbing your face, rubbing your head. The way you’re face would cringe up when you were in pain, then you would try to hide it because you knew that you were scaring me. I was scared. It wasn’t easy to see that. It wasn’t easy for me to stand their seeing you suffer 24/7 and know there was absolutely nothing that could be done from me to ease your pain. But I was always there. Almost every single day do be exact. I was the very last one to sleep beside you. Every time I would wake up the nurses would be giving you some more medication so you wouldn’t have to feel any pain. Every time you would open up yours eyes I would be the first thing you would see. You probably got annoyed but I was just relieved that you opened up your eyes well, period. I was there when you opened your eyes, and I was standing right there when you closed them for the very last time. My mother and I got their as soon as we could. I walked in and minute by minute your heart rate and oxygen level were decreasing. I knew what was happening, but I wouldn’t believe it. I absolutely would not let that idea even become a thought inside my mind. Once we got in I knew it was over. You’re neck was straight back. You’re eyelids were frozen in the center, and your mouth was opened to its fullest. How you were breathing will never escape my memories. I wished it would all stop. All of it. But at that moment, I just wanted you’re pain gone. I was angry. Furious with god ,but wouldn’t admit it. I wished that he would give me your pain. I wished it everyday , but he never listened. I was there, standing right beside you while my mother held your head gently in her arms, and her tears would stream down your face. Then came the moment to say our goodbyes. As I stood there, watching your heart rate rapidly go down, I wanted to kiss you, but I couldn’t. They wouldn’t even let me touch you. So I just watched. I watched them try to pull my mother away from you. But she fought to stay with you. She fought for you. Just like you used to fight for her. I was surprised how fast it had happened. I knew it was coming. I had three months to prepare myself for it. The last week of your life was hard. I absolutely refused to leave you’re side. I was afraid, that if anything were to happen I wouldn’t be there. No matter what happened, I told you I would never leave your side. I said that to you do you remember? And I kept my word. I stayed with you till the end. Now its your turn to stay with me. Stay with me until its my time. Stay with me till its all over. Everyday that goes by, just mean’s that it’s a day less to see you. And I will be waiting patiently for that day. Now you’re free. But this time, you are permanently free. No more screaming to get what you want. No more crying because someone hurt you. You are free. And one day, we will reunite. And till that day, all we can do is wait, and pray. It was an honor knowing you Auntie, and the nights and days that I spent with you will be in my memories for as long as I live. I have never known anyone with such a kind heart as yours, and I don’t think I will ever find anyone like you. You were an amazing person, and I hope you knew how much I loved, and cared for you. It was a privilege for me to spend all that time with you, and everything that I said to you I meant it. No matter how many times I say it, it will never be expressed how I want it to be. I love you with all my heart, and if possible more.My life will go on, and ill try to be as happy as can be but it’s hard to live your life, without the one thing you used to live for. You will be on my mind always Auntie and till that day that I will see your beautiful face again, you’ll be in my prayers and in my heart. All I can ask from you is to watch us from above. Nothing will ever change what you mean to me. Take care Auntie. I will forever and always, Love you.
A: That is very beautiful and your Aunt was a lucky woman. The only small correction I would make is to remember, if it is not “you are” it should be spelled “your” not ” you’re”. As in “your neck”, etc. This is a lovely letter.
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