What is an abscess and are they dangerous

Health related question in topics an Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an abscess and are they dangerous”,you can compare them.

A:If you mean abscess tooth(there are other kinds), infection is deep in tooth or gum. If not treated, can cause health problems. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-abscess-and-are-they-dangerous ]
More Answers to “What is an abscess and are they dangerous
What is an abscess and are they dangerous
If you mean abscess tooth(there are other kinds), infection is deep in tooth or gum. If not treated, can cause health problems.
In most cases, no. But I have seen animals die from abscesses that are very large. The rotting bacteria and white blood cells release poisons into the body that can make an animal feel very sick.
How dangerous are tooth abscesses?
I had a dental abscess for about four years, under my dentist’s care. We tried various things, from “keep an eye on it” to lancing it to strong antibiotics. In the end, I lost the tooth, but we put up a good fight. An abscess can …

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Has anyone ever had an infection in their bone after a tooth abscess ?
Q: Hi,Similar to my last question, but slightly different. I am looking for answers from people who have either had this condition, or are dentists.I have had a root canal on a tooth with a bad abscess. The root canal was unsuccessful, so I needed to have the tooth out. Unfortunately, my pain continued and the abscess has spread to my bone. I am on strong antibiotics but they are making no differece. I also have a swollen gland in my neck.For those of you who have had this, what happened next ? What do I need to do ? Is this dangerous ? I’m worried, and could do with some help !
A: Hi! I’ve been in dentistry for over 25 years. Any abscess is troublesome and somethimes the wrong antibiotic is prescibed. The swollen gland is because of the infection. This is typical. The biggest concern is getting the infection under control. Some things that you can do is rinse 3-4 daily with very salty warm water. Don’t smoke eat sugar or drink alcohol because it lowers your immune system. Taking a heavy duty health food daily vitamin everyday (Twin Labs, Solgar etc)and high dosesof Vitamin C and Zinc will help heal and fit infection. You need to drink 8-10 glasses of water to flush the infection out of your whole system. Part of any infection while it shows up in one place, it is in your whole blood stream. So you need to do your part as well. Call the DR tomorrow and see if you need a stronger spectrum antibiotic and have a blood test done to see if you have any other issues. Any long term infection is dangerous to other organs and the heart. So this is not something you sit on and wait. If you have any other questions, please ask. M
Tooth trama in a 3 year old?
Q: When my child was around two he had bumped his front tooth and it was loose. I brought him to a dentist and they just said it may fall out but it never did. About 6 months later he had an abscess form and I brought him to urgent care and they put him on antibiotics and told me to have him go back to a dentist if it comes back. Now it has been about 9 months and I notice another abscess forming. He is seeing a different dentist tomorrow who said he will probably need it pulled so there is no re-infection. Anyone have this happen? Did you have it pulled? Are abscesses really that dangerous? I hate to have my child get his tooth pulled but I know I have to do what is best. Anyone elses experience appreciated. Thanks in adance.
A: Yes, an abscess can be very dangerous. If the dentist thinks it needs to be pulled, you should do what the dentist recommends. He went to school to learn to be a dentist.
Dental abscesses. Need help with how dangerous this is please!?
Q: I lost a huge filling on my farthest top back tooth. It had a root canal 7 years ago. When I lost the filling a few months ago, it didn’t hurt, until the past few weeks. I can feel the little screw in there from the work that was done before..Food is getting caught in that 1 tooth. I now have to pick it out (sorry that is GROSS, but it’s necessary). The dentist at the time told me I had several abscesses beginning to form. Hot and cold food absolutely kills me now on my left side.Also 1 or 2 of the farthest back bottom teeth have some type of abscess too. I believe they all had root canals, but I’m not positive.I am on disability and I did not and do not have the money to fix this problem. It was never painful before, but now I am close to being in agony and I am eating Advil and Tylenol with Codeine to try and keep the pain at bay. It’s not working, but it’s better than nothing.My friend told me if I didn’t take care of it…I could die from sepsis from the abscesses. I have not been feeling well and now my jaw feels hot and it’s getting harder to chew or put anything hot or cold in my mouth as the pain is unbearable if I do.I know I must see a dentist, the money is the problem.Is it true I could die from leaving the abscess too long? I’m terrified I will lose my teeth. I also have tiny abscesses on the other side too (the dentist told me that about 7 months ago). All of these abscesses started after I had all my mercury fillings taken out and the dentist at the time, knew I had an acidity problem.but I spent thousands of dollars to get my whole mouth fixed. My new dentist said it was wrong for that dentist to have put the white fillings in because there is erosion at the gumline which he feels has started the infections.I live in Canada. I don’t know what to do as I am sure this will cost several thousands of dollars again.The pain is getting much worse, I’m afraid I could die, afraid I’ll lose my teeth (I do take care of them other than this).Can I die from this or is it just that it’s painful and I have to deal with the pain until I get enough money?My jawbone itself is beginning to be very painful and it’s hard for me to even open my mouth or move my jaw back and forth. It almost feels like I have a fever in my jawbone, as weird as that may sound. The pain has just started to shoot down from my jaw down through my glands in my throat on the same side as the abscesses.If you are a professional, can you please help me to know just how serious this is? Is it just pain or an infection that can cause me great harm?Thank you very much for your advise.
A: If you do not take care of this problem you will 100% for sure lose you teeth. I know, I did not take care of my teeth for years and I have lost 4 teeth. I would get root canals, not get the crowns and then be in pain all over again. The abscess is dangerous. Quite possibly fatal. I don’t know what dental is like in Canada, I thought it was better than in the USA. You absolutely must find a dentist and get these problems fixed. It has taken me 3 years and my dentist has prioritized my problems and has fixed them according to my insurance. It is a long process but I have not been in pain for over a year. You must take care of your teeth. They are the only teeth you have.
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