What is an abscess and how is it removed

Health related question in topics an Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an abscess and how is it removed”,you can compare them.

A:An abscess is a tender, easily pressed mass generally surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. The middle of (More?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-abscess-and-how-is-it-removed ]
More Answers to “What is an abscess and how is it removed
What is an abscess and how is it removed
An abscess is a tender, easily pressed mass generally surrounded by a colored area from pink to deep red. The middle of (More?)
Is it painful to have a tooth removed after an abscess??
once your infection is controlled with antibiotic the tooth will not hurt.of course your dentist will give you anesthetic before removing it.relax
Can an abscess drain itself it the infected tooth is removed??
What you have inside your socket is the beginnings of healing tissue so leave it alone and do not pick at it or disturb it. And yes, healing tissue smells and there is nothing you can do about it. Do not use mouthwash because it will slow t…

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About how much does it cost to get an abscess removed??
Q: my whippet has what looks like an abscess on his paw. (its a lump filled with what seems like fluids) I’ve talked to someone who used to work at a vets, and she said don’t worry about it, it will go away very soon. I don’t think she knew what she was talking about because it hasn’t gone away at all. All its done is it has gotten slightly bigger. Though its not causing him any pain, hes not limping, and hes not been licking at it.About how much will it cost to have it removed?(don’t say it depends were you go, because I know the price varies, just give me an average)and is there any at home treatments I can do?(not necessarily to remove it, just to maybe reduce the size or something like that)well no duh!im just trying to get the average price FOR a VET.
A: An abscess is an infection under the skin. They just don’t go away they can get bigger. And they can cause pain. My Pekingese got an abscess she had a drain in her she was on antibiotics she was very sick.. Dogs can suffer for sebaceous cyst. These are common in dogs they are round firm and they have a slight blue color.
How much will it cost to have a hamster’s abscess removed?
Q: I live with a roommate in college, and we bought two female robo hamsters for a fun diversion from schoolwork. They’re sisters and share a cage, and have been good apartment companions.About a month or so ago, we noticed the larger hamster had a lump growing on her side. We called it a tumor for a while, before doing some research and discovering that it is an abscess. In the past two weeks, it has gotten quite large and has extended to under her belly. Other than the obvious outward symptom of the lump, she seems to be doing fine. She eats and drinks normally, lets us hold her, and runs on the wheel all night. It doesn’t seem to bother her terribly, but it’s bulging and pink and nasty looking. I’m well aware that the only treatment is surgery, but we don’t have much money and don’t like the idea of spending 10X the cost of the animal to get her back to health. We would feel terrible though, if she died and left her sister alone. Plus, the surgery is risky so she might die anyway.Does anyone have an experience with hamster surgery? What’s the cost/prognosis?
A: Option 1: The surgery would cost about $30-60, depending on the vet… you might be able to call a shelter or the city pound to see where you can go for ‘low cost’ pocket pet surgery.Option 2: It costs about $30 to have a hamster humanely euthanized. You’ll have to call in advance to set up an appointment and to make sure the vet can treat hamsters (you might have to go to exotics vet). Putting an animal down is sometimes kinder than letting them suffer. If your hamster is 2-3 years old, they are actually ‘old’ in hamster years… so they are nearing the end of their life anyway.
how do i care for my mouth after an infected tooth was pulled and a bone graph put in it’s place?
Q: i just got an abscessed tooth removed and a bone graph placed in my jaw so dental implant can be put in eventually.i was in a daze at the office and i accidently forgot the paper on how to take care of my mouth for the next few days. am i allowed to eat and drink tonight? what are the things i need to know?
A: I had a tooth pulled and bone graft about 6 months ago and just the other day had the screw put in for a future implant. I was given antibiotics, and a prescription mouth wash, don’t use something strong like listerine, there is alcohol in it. If you did not get a prescription mouth wash, then gargle with warm salt water, gargle gently. I was told to not eat on that side and to eat soft stuff, also not to brush my teeth at that spot. Also I was told not to brush or gargle until the next day 24 hours after the procedure, I could eat sooner but only soft stuff. I would call the dentist now but if it is too late definitely tomorrow first thing in the morning.
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