What is carbuncles

Health related question in topics Carbuncle .We found some answers as below for this question “What is carbuncles”,you can compare them.

A:A carbuncle is an abscess larger than a boil, usually with one or more openings draining pus onto the skin. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-carbuncles ]
More Answers to “What is carbuncles
A carbuncle is similar to a boil, but it is usually much larger. It is a large sore that is usually filled with pus. They are frequently caused by staph.
It is a severe abcess in the skin or a bright red gem – same colour as OED says. True, true In the video game series Final Fantasy, or more specifically, Final fantasy 8, a carbuncle can be summoned, and it takes the form of a green littl…
Call your doctor whenever you have a carbuncle, a large boil or a boil that doesn’t improve after a week of warm compress treatment as described above. If you have diabetes, you should call your doctor even if you develop a small boil becau…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have what appears to be boils on my scrotum only. How do i get rid of them?
Q: At first a painful swelling then a head appears then opens. A very painful draining comes then itching is more than one can stand. Then two new boils or carbuncles appear.
A: You need to see a doctor.
I need information on “urethral carbuncles”–what are they,and how are they treated?
A: A carbuncle is a collection of interconnecting boils, which are not uncommon in people who have lowered resistance to infection.These carbuncles are most frequently seen near the surface of the body, usually in the skin and around the pelvic area.The bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequently offending germ causing the problem so antibiotics are generally prescribed. Sometimes the carbuncle becomes chronic, surrounded by scar tissue so that antibiotics fail to penetrate into the heart of the infection.Other than antibiotics the best thing you can do is to enjoy frequent hot baths in the hope of bringing the carbuncle to the surface of the urethra or vagina, in which case it may burst on its own and drain naturally. If this should happen, further antibiotics and thorough sterilisation of the area would be necessary.
What is the difference between an abcess or carbuncle, or boil?
Q: I have a red hardened sore half dollar size boil or whatever on my stomach. It just came about a few days ago is that to soon to have become an abcess? This morning it came to a white head and popped, but it’s still draining. I have it covered with drawing ointment. But the surrounding skin still is hard is that normal with a boil? The skin around it is really red, but is some better now and so is the pain, but it’s still gross looking. Any help I would appreciate.I know it’s not a spider bite I have had that before. It is something like a boil or a carbuncle but this is the worst boil I have ever had so that is why I think it’s a carbuncle. It busted this morning, but I am still using stuff to get all the gunk out of it. the skin around it is still hard and it’s red. But is that normal since it probably does invade the lymph nodes?
A: I’m no doctor but that kinda sounds like a spider bite to me. I had an abcess on my eye once and it was just a lump, no whitehead. that doesn’t sound good, maybe get it checked out.
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