What is the white stuff in a white head

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A:Whiteheads are cysts or abscesses that are pus-filled pockets, but abscesses are somewhat larger and deeper. Acne results, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-white-stuff-in-a-white-head ]
More Answers to “What is the white stuff in a white head
What is the white stuff out of white heads
Whiteheads are acne lesions that form when oil and skin cells block the opening of a hair follicle. For this reason, whiteheads are called “closed comedones.” ChaCha again soon!
My friends oscar fish has this white fuzzy stuff on his head.What…?
It is one of two things, Columnaris or fungus. The best way to tell them apart is that columnaris always grows in a very round circular spot while fungus rarely does. Columnaris is also pearly or opalescent white while fungus is a flatter, …
When I ejaculate the white stuff comes up the side of my penis’s …?
Yes, it is normal. It is just as normal for it to come straight out or from any side. Sometimes small or not too small curves of the penis will cause it to come out from different sides. It’s absolutely normal. Don’t worry about it.

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whats white stuff on head and face?
Q: omg ever since i went to the beach last week a few days later i started gettin a lot of white stuff on my face and head. ive had white stuff on my head be4 but i was able to control it by using this cream that my dad has for his psorious. i thought i had it 2. but my mom said it is not that. and when i put the cream it gets worse and worse. i cant go to dermalotogist cuz the closest appointment my mom could get was august but i cant wait that long . my face is covered in all these white stuff and it so dry! i mean like i cant even open my mouth big! and my head is so ichy! i dk how i am goin to get out of the house. anyone have any clues wat it may be. i think its psorios but im not sure cuz my mom said what i have doesnt look like what my dad has..so anyone have any clues on what it is and how to reduce it?
A: Go see your regular doc. It sounds like seborrheic dermatitis.
how come on my private part white stuff comes out from the head ?
Q: im a guy . and like all over my head theres like white stuff that looks like the middle stuff in an oreo cookie .i wipe it all off but it keeps coming back . what is this ? why does it happen ?
A: it might just be sperm after ejaculation…trying cleaning it after yur done doin yur business
what is the hard white stuff in my shower head?
Q: I have found in my bathroom shower heads and kitchen sink this white stuff develops. It is in a solid form and has no certain odor.
A: Likely a buildup of calcium due to hard water. It can be removed easily by soaking the shower head in CLR. You may need a water softener in your home.
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