What STD could it be if I have small bumps and painful urination

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A:Sebaceous cysts have these symptoms and may occasionally become infected and form into painful abscesses. Please see your doctor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-std-could-it-be-if-i-have-small-bumps-and-painful-urination ]
More Answers to “What STD could it be if I have small bumps and painful urination
What STD could it be if I have small bumps and painful urination?
Sebaceous cysts have these symptoms and may occasionally become infected and form into painful abscesses. Please see your doctor.

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Itchy bump on perineum?
Q: So I’ve been dealing with a supposed “yeast infection” that was diagnosed in April? It seemed to somewhat go away after I used the prescription that my Dr. provided me with. However, while some of my symptoms left, others came. I was tested for all (i think) STDs at that time using a pee test and a mouth swab. (no blood test). The nurse ASSURED me that this would be sufficient for any STD concern. (I didn’t have any knowledge of my yeast infection at this point). I was then told I was “looking a little yeasty,” and like I said, took the medication prescribed to me. I had sex shortly after (bad idea? I don’t know) and it resulted in painful burning sensation while I peed. Then the itching returned a few days later (no discharge that I could see) and eventually some small little (teen tiny) red bumps appeared surrounding my vagina opening. I ordered a refill and it cleared up in time. Then I had sex again, this time it burned during the intercourse, after during urination, and then for about 30 minutes. VERY PAINFUL. I AGAIN ordered a refill. In the meantime I have dealt with some irritating fissures, that I was told were just from having too much moisture “down there.” My mother has them sometimes and she is STD free as well. I ignored them, but one or two of them seemed to get very irritated and eventually turned into little hard bumps on my perineum. As I mentioned before, I was just tested for STDs in April and have been in a sexually monogamous relationship since. I KNOW I should see the Dr. but like I said, the symptoms kept seeming to go away and kept coming back different every time. Sometimes I thought it was from too much sex, too rough of sex, or shaving and in grown hairs/razor burn. All of my symptoms have come and gone, but these two bumps are very uncomfortable (itchy) and frankly, not exactly decorative…. I am planning on seeing a Dr. but in the mean time I am very concerned what is going on?! Does anyone have anything constructive to add? Does anyone have any idea what these symptoms are implying… I’m hoping for good news, because I’ve been all over Google and can’t figure out if I should be scared or if I’m being dramatic. Can someone help me, and by help me, I don’t mean tell me to go in and get it checked out!! (I will!) Thanks in advance for your advice/tips/knowledge/help.I forgot to mention that it doesn’t burn when I pee normally. EVER. And that it hasn’t since the last time I had sex. I am also currently on my period. (This makes knowing if I have discharge difficult).
A: Having sex with a yeast infection?Goddamn I’d like to know what kind of guy would do such a thing to a female. Now you probably not only have a yeast infection but a Urinary Tract Infection.Good luck and for fucks sake let your vag heal before having any more sex.
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