Five Popular Weight Loss Tips that Sabotage Your Progress

All these popular weight loss tips are effective. The problem is, people misinterpret them. Either they take them too far or adjust them to suit their needs. These tips can sabotage your progress if you’re not careful. Keep your goals in sight. Eat right, exercise and drink plenty of good old H20. Don’t use these popular weight loss tips as just another excuse to continue on your path to destruction.

1. A little exercise is better than none at all. Sure, you need to start slowly. You don’t want to give yourself a heart attack. Problem is, once you get in shape, this popular weight loss tip makes a handy crutch. Anytime you don’t feel like exercising, it makes a great excuse not to. Do start slowly, just make sure your efforts increase with time. After all, taking it easy is what made you gain weight in the first place. A little exercise is better than none; more is even better.

2. Allow yourself small rewards. This popular weight loss tip is easy to misinterpret. If you’re overweight, your willpower is not your best quality. It’s too easy to turn that small scoop of ice cream into a hot fudge sundae. Do allow yourself a few favorite foods. Just watch the portions and don’t make them a daily habit. Overindulging can sabotage your weight loss progress. Once again, that’s what made you overweight in the first place.

3. Watch your portions. This is a very popular weight loss tip that works. Problem is, some people take it too far. In fact they add a sentence to it which isn’t necessarily true. How many times have you heard this statement from a dieter? If you watch your portions, you can eat anything you like. Don’t believe it for a second. Food is fuel. Give yourself the best fuel possible. Nutritionally empty calories do nothing for your good health. Eat small portions of good food, not junk food.

4. Give your muscles time to heal between exercise. How much time do you need? A day off can easily become a few days, a week, a month, even a year. Pretty soon, you’re back where you started. If you don’t want this popular weight loss tip to sabotage your progress, try a regular exercise routine. Sure exercise hurts a little at first. Map out your exercise routine and your rest time too. Put it down on paper. Do leave time for healing. Don’t let a day of rest turn back into a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Use the buddy system. This popular weight loss tip is another double edged sword. It’s all fine and good until your buddy falls victim to temptation. Guess whose arm they grab on the way down? Two people with zero willpower are a powerful force. Make sure your weight loss buddy brings support; not donuts, cookies and cake. If your weight loss partnership isn’t working, get a new partner or go it alone. Most popular weight loss tips are good for your health. Just remember to use them as intended for best results.

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