The Unborn Child

In the Womb

“Thomas” came the booming voice as it seemed to reverberate through the embryonic fluid into the young fetal brain. “Thomas, Wake up. We need to talk.” The young developing unborn child began to stir and eventually came to consciousness.

“Yes, who is there?” Thomas thought. No words were spoken it was as if the conversation was taking place between two minds.

“I am known by many names. Just know that whatever name you are taught in life, is who I am. I need to talk to you about your coming life”

“Yes, Sir, I am listening” the fetus stretched himself out and curled back into a ball.

“Thomas, my son, There will be many hardships for you, but know that I am never far from you. No matter how difficult it will seem, there will always be hope.”

“But why must there hardships for me?” the young child questioned.

“I know it is hard for you to understand, but there is always a plan. Please do not hate me for the things that must be done. But you do, always, have that precious gift of free will. Your life was planned out from the point of your conception. Every glory…every pain…every up …and yes, every down” The unborn child rolled over and adjusted the umbilical cord.

“Your life will begin with one strike against you already. For you see, Thomas, your father will not be there… He will leave your mother and not return after she tells him she is pregnant with you. This is not a reflection on you, but on him. Unfortunately, I could not touch his heart, as I am hoping to touch yours….

Your mother, on the other hand, tried very hard to be a good person and does her best whenever she can…

So, you will be born, and brought up fatherless. However, your mother will be very good to you, and teach you love and respect for life, and teach you how to be a good person. She will also teach you how to work hard for whatever it is you want…

When you are eight, you will be attacked by larger boys on the playground at your school, this will be harsh, however, it is needed to teach you how a victim feels and this will shape your mind and your sympathies, needed when you are older…

When you are fourteen you will meet Angela Carrington, she is to be the love of your life, she will be born into an abusive family, you will teach her what true love is and what family protection really means… You and her will be married when you are both out of college, and professionals… one of your children will grow to be a President, and help stop an Atomic attack on the United States of America… the other child will become a great physician who discovers a cure for a horrible disease…

Since you will be humble people I will make sure you grow to be a big man… in fact you will be six feet seven inches tall and be very strong. With this size you will very easily qualify to play football throughout school… you will even go to college to play football… they will pay for you to attend, in exchange for you playing for their team… but your future does not rest on being a professional football player… but in the Major you choose for your university studies, which is Law… which is why in your last collegiate game, while the recruiters for many professional teams are there, you will land on your knee wrong and severely injure yourself…to the point that you cannot play football any longer…

Which is where your law degree comes into play… When you graduate from law school, you will go to work for …Blackwell, Earnst and Merrill in Pennsylvania… with this company, when you are thirty one years of age, you will be asked to represent a man… Joseph Mitchell Langstrum… He will be on trial for a crime he does not commit… a truly atrocious crime. You are the only one who can prove he is innocent of this crime… If he is convicted, then the true criminal will go free and be able to commit this crime, over and over, for years, and destroy the lives of hundreds of people…

I know this is a lot for me to ask of you, But remember, I would not ask these things of you, unless I knew you could handle them. Do you believe you can do these things that I ask of you?”

“Yes, Father, I believe I can”

“Good. Thank you, and the world thanks you. As does the future Angela Carrington and Joseph Langstrum. Now sleep and grow and your mother’s womb and become the man the world needs you to be. Remember, always, that I love you.” With that, the tiny fetus closes his eyes, sucks his thumb and slips into a very peaceful sleep.

Inside the Office

The door swings open to the room and a doctor steps out. His white coat flickers from the rush of air from the hallway. He turns to face the young woman still laying on the bed.

“Remember, Kimberly, take the medications that I have prescribed and everything will fine”

“Will there be any side effects?” the scared teenager says through her tears?

“No, this was a typical procedure, no complications, nothing to worry about. There is no reason to cry.” He steps completely through the door and it closes behind. The young patient Kimberly gets dressed and tells herself everything will be OK. She rifles through her purse and pulls out a cell phone and sends a text to Tommy, her high school sweetheart, whom has just recently broken up with her:

‘@ dr… everything is good now: D …GTG…LUV U’

She exits the building and walks to her car and rubs her belly as she looks at the sign for the Doctor’s office:

Jacob Anderson, MD

Late term pregnancy terminations

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