Low sex drive?

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I have a low sex drive is anything out there i can take for this?Thank you
More Answers to “Low sex drive?
strangely enough, i’ve read that masturbation will increase your sex drive. when i feel mine starting to go down, even if i don’t feel like it, i step up in the maturbation department and i think it works.
How about a c0ck in the @ss. It should turn you on!
http://www.tongkatali.org/Tongkat Ali is very effective for men but also works somewhat for women. But, what you want is the Kacip Fatima (scroll down to the bottom of the page) available from the same people.These herbs are a pain in the *** to get ahold of and to my knowledge the above website is the ONLY legitimate source for them (there are hundreds of fraudulent sources of crap that does basically nothing so be warned). By pain in the ***, I mean they are located in a third world country and don’t have good access to credit card payment systems etc. The best way to buy from them is to email the US rep, [email protected] and explain what you want. He will give you instructions to pay for your order by wiring the money directly to them (ie you go to your bank and request a wire transfer using the info he gives you). A few days later, your order arrives. They are very reliable and professional people and these herbs are the real deal for sexual enhancement. They are well worth getting ahold of, even with the hassle.
my wife has a low sex drive too!she does better when she exercises and mentally prepares for sex. she is a spaghetti head and needs to set time on a schedule so she focuses.When things are really bad, I make her have a couple of drinks and watch an emotional chick flick. Usually makes her mood change!
find a gut that makes u feel horny have sex.
Do some research on herbs as I heard this is great!
i assume your married mrs libra , sometimes couples can get to a stage where sex can become unimportant, and the longer you go without the harder it is to get back into the swing, i suggest you both have a good bath together and tease each other but promise yourselves your NOT goint to have sex, beleive me you wont be able to resist .lol.good luck
Every body is different,what might work for one body,may not work for the next one,try some sweet mix drinks,pineapple is a love fruit.
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