How can I stop feeling bad about myself I am 11 years old and my Nana past away can I stop blaiming myself?

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How can I stop feeling bad about myself I am 11 years old and my Nana past away can I stop blaiming myself?
More Answers to “How can I stop feeling bad about myself I am 11 years old and my Nana past away can I stop blaiming myself?
Why don’t you pray and ask Heavenly Father if your Nana is alright, and to know that she loves you, and doesn’t blame you. You’ll feel the answer in your heart.
it normal to feel that way after losing some 1 close..just remember its not ur fault and to keep ur chin up and never forget how amazing u r..GOD BLESS!!
Why blame yourself at all? Kids get the feeling that things happen because they did something. NOT TRUE. If there is someone you can talk to in your family or church, do so. Stop trying to get answers to your question through this media. You are only targeting yourself as a possible victim for abuse.Good Luck
Sorry your Nana passed away. It’s not your fault. Things happen. Unfortunately everyone passes away at some time. We don’t always understand why. It’s just the way life is. Talk to your mom or dad or someone in your family that you are close to about your feelings. Why would you blame yourself?
you DID NOT cause your nana’s death hun. and just as you are hurting for your nana, your nana is watching over you. guilt is apart of the healing process of loosing a loved one and you’ll get through it. you will never stop loving and missing your nana but remember one thing, just because you cant see her doesn’t mean that she isn’t around you.
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