Is there a natural way to make breasts smaller?

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My breasts are not that big, but large on my becasue I am short and skinny. I feel that I am restricted to many things I wear because of my bra size. I want a way to make my breasts smaller with out having surgery.
More Answers to “Is there a natural way to make breasts smaller?
there is no way naturally to make your breasts smaller. you would need surgery to do that. maybe you should try buying a good bra that would hold you in and up better. this is really a hard question to answer by not knowing your age and size. try talking to your mom or some other adult female you trust. good luck sweetie. Get your breast reduction surgery in India.Cosmetic Surgery (including facelift/ breast enhancement tummy tuck./lipo) is very cheap in India.There is one company that is very famous in India that arranges cosmetic surgery for foreigners in India.They are called the Forerunners Healthcare.I read a lot about them in the Newspapers and about their patient stories.I have also read that they arrange financing for international patients as cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance or by the stinking NHS.They also have photos pasted of their International patients.You can checkout their website.The cost savings are incredible.As a doctor i personally believe that your surgery can be easily handled in India as the quality of healthcare available here is simply best in the world.The surgeons are USA/UK trained and facilities are 5 star .My cousin got her cosmetic surgery done there and she is more than very happy with the results.sHe is all praise for this forerunners healthcare company.She paid just 30% of the cost what she was quoted in USA and it was like a wonderful vacation for her. .hope this helps.I think she paid only 8000$ for the tummy tuck and liposuction surgery for which she was quoted 22000 $ in USA.
Are you able to give some personal details please, like height, weight & bust size? Do you consider a C cup too big? One method is binding. Perhaps you could get a female friend to help you. Another suggestion is to get a good friend’s opinion. Is there really a problem or is it just something you worry about? Personally I’m against plastic surgery in most cases especially when you say your breasts are not that big.
Excercise the chest muscles. It will not shrink the breasts literally, but it will turn the adipose tissue, fat tissue into muscle. This will make them firmer and appear smaller. The breasts are composed basically of glands, muscle and fat. The larger the breast, the more fat. The fat can be trimmed down, by decreasing the fat and increasing lean muscle mass. With your small frame, building muscle would be the best outcome. Send me a picture of them so I can give you my professional opinion.
Well naturally women put on weight in there breasts and hipps first.. so losing weight normally comes from there first too. But if you don’t have the weight to spare then surgury will be your only real option. wow. what a great “PROBLEM” to have!I’m sorry. I’m not aware of any.If you were a BIGGER GIRL, the obvious answer would be LOSE SOME WEIGHT. Many woman put up with it. and. if it becomes TOO Much an issue. see a doctor.
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