i’m 14 yrs old, and my dad caught me masturbating…?

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and as a punishment, i have to sleep on the hard wood floor for 2 months! what do i do?
More Answers to “i’m 14 yrs old, and my dad caught me masturbating…?
haha that sucks sooooo much! omg…well i’d be pissed if i were u. everyone does it at some time, so why should he be punishing u? that’s messed up. talk to him about it? if it’s not too embarrassing…and uhm, try to figure out why he cares so much. i mean, you doing it is better than having someone else do it, ya kno? and much safer than sex!
I guess you sleep on the hardwood floor for two months. Sigh.Your dad must have issues of his own regarding sex. There are worse ways to deal with your newly acquired sex drive, aren’t there?Normally, I’d say to accept your parents’ guidance but in this instance I make an exception………in this instance, I say that if you can’t “be good”, then be careful.Make up your mind what is best for you and make the additional effort to keep private things private in the future.Your only hope is that the punishment won’t last the entire two months.Good luck
be glad he didn’t catch you in the act with a partner ,think where you could be sleeping then.next time think where you are and whose about it is a personal issue treat it as such.apparently he hasn’t taken your computer away or you could never get answers to questions.
Unfortunatly you’ll have to sleep on the floor but remember for future reference when you have kids. Masturbating is a very normal part of living and growing up. Your dad sounds like one of those extreme churchys. (thats whats wrong with this country) Everyone needs to lighten up a little bit.
As for the punishment itself, it’s mostly an issue between you and your dad, with whom I completely disagree. As a psychology student, i can assure you there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with masturbating, it’s not unhealthy, it won’t make you a sex addict, in fact, it’s a completely healthy and natural way to explore and acknowledge our drives. I would recommend, from now on, try taking care of your intimacy, not allowing anyone to see what you do when you are alone. I hope your summer is not ruined because of this… And, about your dad, try to spend some time with him, make him able to trust you, but don’t give up who you are or what you are willing to do to get his approval. Hope this helps!
Oh dear… your dad must have some views about such things. He probably thinks he is protecting you. But doing things like that are and should be encouraged. You should try and reason with him and talk to him. If you are too embarrassed try writing a letter to him and have him right letters to you. This way you needn’t worry about eye contact that makes us all squirm when talking of such things. Tell your dad that it is a perfectly normal and healthy thing. He probably did it when he was your age. He probably was taught that it was a bad thing. If he is superstitious about it thinking that you will go blind, lose hair, etc. Tell him that there is NO health issue with doing that.
This Punishment hinges on Child abuse! I’m the mother of two grown sons…I made it clear when they were very little, if it felt good to do that, do it in their own rooms, behind closed doors. It’s a shame school is out…I would suggest taking this to a school counselor. Dad needs some parenting guidelines. well i don’t know what to say but put yourself in your dads shoes, its embarrassing
What is your dad thinking, what you need is a good butt whopping. Both for doing it and for getting caught, you should be ashamed
there is nothing that you can do besides beg to sleep in your bed back.
How terriable for you.Where is your mom?I dont think you should be punnished for that.He is totally overreaction because he is embarrassed!!!
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