Stopped Birth Control Pill Mid Cycle and no period, unprotected sex.?

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After 5 years on Ortho tri cyclen Lo, I stopped taking the pill on May 12 during the first week of the active pill. Since I stopped the pill mid cycle, shouldn’t I have some sort of withdrawal period? Since then I have had unprotected sex from May 29-recently. Took a preg. test on the 3rd of june and it was negative. Was it too soon to test or is being off of the pill making me NOT have my period, not even a withdrawal period.
More Answers to “Stopped Birth Control Pill Mid Cycle and no period, unprotected sex.?
leave it a couple more weeks, if you havent had your period then take another pregnancy test. good luck
Some women conceive if they miss *one* pill. Others are infertile for a full year (or, occasionally, forever) after taking the Pill. Your doctor should have explained all of this to you when she/he gave you *each* prescription.You haven’t had a period in 5 years. It may just be taking your body a while to get back into the habit. (Bleeding while on the Pill is *not* a period; it is withdrawal bleeding–looks the same from the outside, but it is very different from the perspective of your body.)If you *did* have unprotected sex on 29 May, it is *definitely* too early to test. It can take up to 5 days *after* sex to actually get pregnant (the sperm can live that long until ovulation), then another week until the fertilized egg makes it to the uterus to start implanting. Until implantation, the egg isn’t attached to your body in any way, and, therefore, *can’t* cause any physical changes (including hormonal). It then takes at least a couple of days for the hormone levels to rise enough.The *earliest* a test could possibly test positive is 7 June, and maybe not for another week or two, depending on a number of other factors. In fact, independent research determined that for most tests, they are only *very* reliable a week after your missed period. (If you got pregnant on 29 May, your period wouldn’t have been due until 12-16 June.)Please read _Taking Charge of Your Fertility_ by Toni Weschler. It will answer all your questions. Why did you stop yet still have sex if you dont want a baby? Use a condom and go back on the pill! Anyway you messed up your body by stopping mid cycle. Your body will either have a period soon or you will be pregnant. Wait another week and if you dont get your period take another preg. test. Or see a doctor.
You could get pregnant, but it is likely you won’t until you have been off the pill for at least a month and up to six months after. Source(s):Mom of two
you could be early pregnant if this is the case it wont show up on one of those home pregnancy kits if you want to find out go to your Dr he can get you a blood test to determine if you are or not
if a pregnancy test is negative it could be wrong. if its positive then its not, this is what my doctor told me. strange and annoying but apparently true
Uhmmm, how old are you?If you’re absolutely sure it couldn’t possibly be menopause, then just wait a couple more months.If even then you don’t get a period, just ask a doctor or something. 🙂
Couldn’t tell you, but I think it might have something to do with JLo’s sister, Ortho TriCyclen.
First, you may not have a period since you just got off of one when you stopped the pills. Your uteras lining has to be thick enough to slough off to have a period.Second, that was way to early for a pregnancy test to be positive. You need to wait till you are one week late and then use your first urine of the day. It contains the most Beta-hcg in it. That is the hormone the body produces when you are pregnant to sustain the embryo and may the test positive.Are you trying to get pregnant? Does you sig other know you are off the pill?
Your body is probably still getting back in balance after you stopped taking the pills, so give your hormones time to adjust. Good luck on getting pregnant!
Sometimes when you stop taking certain forms of birth control, it can take 3 to 6 months for your cycle to get back to normal, depends on what’s left in your system, how long it’s taking to get out and how effective it has been.
I was on the pill for 8yrs and got off of it and got pregnant right away.The pill is suppose to regulate your period and now that you just stopped taking it,it will mess up your cycle and you will have to wait until you get your next period to start taking again if you are going to.If you want to get pregnant,relax it will happen(don’t get stressed about it).
Homeopathy :-Take NATRIUM MUR 1M(1000) just once a week for three weeks it will restart your menstruation .
possibly pregnant
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