serious talk, I need advise?

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I once shaved my pubic area then some bumps came up on it and it tried to burst them and some puss came out of it and now it’s like a lump and it cannot burst now.I know it’s not an STD because i’m still a virgin.Can some-ome give me some advise PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
More Answers to “serious talk, I need advise?
bumps happen to almost everyone who tries to shave their vaginal area that is why they have a wonderful thing called Bikini Zone. You can pick it up anywhere and you apply it a few times a day and it will relieve the bumps and it want to shave again make sure you use the Bikini Zone immediately after and continue doing it a few times.
This happens frquently when you shave. its happenned to me once and it was awful so I know how u feel! What I did was take 2 baths a day then I would put a little alchol on a cloth and put it on the infected ingrown hair spot. It will go away in time. I wouldnt suggest pinching it and trying to get more puss out- u could end up infecting it even more! Patience and cleanliness with help! It’s an ingrown hair. Try to exfoliate the area after you shave to prevent ingrown hairs. They usually go away on their own. If not, you have to pop it so the pus and hair can be released.
It’s just an ingrown hair. Sometimes they can be pretty painful. You have to get a pair of tweezers and pluck the hair before it goes in too deep. It’s not an STD.
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