Is there anything other than birth control that could help regulate my period???

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Up until about a year ago my period was ALWAYS regular (27-29 day cycle) Then last year I was 3 weeks late to start my period. 2 weeks after my period I had another period. Then I was about 2 weeks late…and so on. Since then I am anywhere from 3-4 weeks between each period and it is never the same from month to month. Like right now I am about 4 days late according to last month. If I am pregnant I keep getting negative HPTs and blood tests. So, is there anything I can do/take to try and get my period back to normal again? My husband is deployed and as soon as he gets back we are going to start TTC so I really don’t want to do the birth control thing…any suggestions?? THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!
More Answers to “Is there anything other than birth control that could help regulate my period???
i didnt get my period for almost 2 years once….. i have a hormonal problem, i started taking Vitex* (chasteberry extract), and i have had my period for 6 months now……..also helped with the pain and cramping i was getting…….you can buy this at any health food store, like Lassen’s…….but make sure it says chasteberry EXTRACT…….thats the potent one……good luck!
unfortunately, there are no remedies for this. only the birth control pill will regulate your cycles, the patch and ring also, but they are basically the same as the pill. as you know, this is normal for many many women and they use the pill for this. i am assuming you are under 35 as your husband is deployed. on the bright side, the birth control pill does not affect your ability to conceive once you stop taking it, it may take 3 or 4 months before you are fully ready to conceive once you stop taking it but that is not a big deal. dont go for the depo shot though, could be 12-18 months before you even ovulate again.
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