Can you still have a pap smear if you are on your period?

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Can you still have a pap smear if you are on your period?
More Answers to “Can you still have a pap smear if you are on your period?
Yes. They can do a pap if you are menstruating. They test for abnormal cells on your cervix and they are not going to come off while you are menstruating. I actually had my last pap while I was on my period. The doctor told me that it’s fine to do, but that you might get abnormal results on your Chlamydia and Gonorrhea screen. If that happens they’ll have to retest, so it’s better to wait until you aren’t bleeding heavily. If you are bleeding heavily I would reschedule, but if you are coming off your period then you should be fine to go ahead and get the pap. Most women don’t feel comfortable going to the Gynecologist while they are menstruating because they are self conscience. Going to that doctor is bad enough and throwing your period in on top of it all makes many women nervous.
Call you gyn’s office, they will tell you what you should do.
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