oh dear adult acne wot is the cure….?

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been to the doctors and what he prescribes stings….is there a natural cure apart from the paper bag over the head or plastic bag tied tight as some would say
More Answers to “oh dear adult acne wot is the cure….?
not really other then going to a dermatoligist im sure youve used every facial scrub already
Hey there, I am a medical student and I’ve just completed a research project on acne.My advice is to first of all totally ignore people who claim it is linked to diet or hygiene! Acne is not caused by dirt (as dirt is too big to fit into the follicular pores of your skin) and only allergic reactions to food would cause a rash (not acne).If the cream you’re using is stinging then persevere and you may notice results. If, however, your skin becomes very red and irritated and painful then stop and see your doctor again as these side effects are unwanted.The next stage of treatment would be antibiotics which are quite successful in treating moderate to severe acne and then after that stage, there are pills called retinoids that dry out the skin in an attempt to clear acne. This last stage has a lot of strong side effects and is usually saved as a last resort, however.Basically, there are a lot of treatment option for you left to try yet and any of them could be the one that works so don’t despair! Don’t try over the counter stuff from pharmacies and shops as it is all complete rubbish!
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