Cochlear Implants?

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I’m 12 and very close to getting a cochlear implant. WHat is the surgery procedure? Do you have to stay overnight in the hospital. if you 12 does it take a lot of getting used to?
More Answers to “Cochlear Implants?
Rosie, write down any ?’s and ask your doctor or surgeon, even if the ?’s seem silly.
The surgery takes about 3-4 hours, and is technically considered outpatient, although a lot of children are usually held overnight just to keep an eye on them.As far as getting used to it, I think it varies from person to person. The biggest change is regaining your hearing and developing your speech patterns. Were you born with deafness, or did it develop later in life, due to illness? You’ll probably spend a lot of quality time with a speech therapist. My ex g/f’s son had it.I don’t think he ahd to stay over night.It did take some getting used to but he is doing so much better now that it is unreal.Do not worry about it. It will be a very good thing for you.Good Luck and I hope the best for you.
I don’t know much about it, but I did take a sign language course for 3 years in high school, and learned a lot about the cochlear implant. I hear it’s not really that bad of a procedure, and shouldn’t be longer than a day or two unless there are minor complications or something.My teacher did although, say that it takes a lot of getting used to, obviously because it will improve your hearing and it will mean a lot of changes for you.I wish you the best of luck though! If you don’t mind me asking, are you partially deaf, and getting a cochlear implant, or completely deaf? Could you email me, if you don’t mind? We learned a lot about this subject, and I like to see the responses from pre-teens and teens on their view on the subject of cochlear implants.Good luck to you!!!
I saw a documentary on PBS about someone who got cochlear implants. It’s called “Sound and Fury.” I think they had to have an incision in the scalp. You may have to stay overnight in the hospital. I suggest you check out the movie if you can. It was really informative. Good luck on your surgery. I wish you the best.Check out information on the film here:
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