My vaginal lips are itchy, im very clean hygenically, i havent had sex in 2 years, any ideas.?

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im going to my dr next week, but just curious if anyone had same problem
More Answers to “My vaginal lips are itchy, im very clean hygenically, i havent had sex in 2 years, any ideas.?
as a precaution u can wash it with cold water first and then with warm water
my physician told me to use arm and hammer laundry detergent for my underwear and to only wear cotton underwear. it works! she said that hundreds of women have thanked her for the suggestion on the detergent. most laundry detergents have an ingredient that is very irritating to those delicate areas. Also, if it stops itching with cortisone, it’s probably an allergy. if it gets worse with cortisone, it’s probably a fungus. could be either.
Having an infection has nothing to do with being clean.You can get an infection from not cleaning yourself the proper way..staying in a wet bathing suit too long etc.Let your doctor give you the correct diagnosis because from this perspective it’s just a guess.
yeast infection, you can buy over the counter medication and it will clear it up…every woman gets them. Nothing to worry about.
Sounds like you have thrush. There are lots of things out there that you can buy over the counter or go the docs.Also thrush is nothing about being clean or dirty lots of women get thrushHere is some more info.What is it and how is it passed on?Thrush is a common infection caused by a yeast called Candida albicans. This yeast lives on the skin and in the mouth, gut and vagina. Usually it’s harmless, but sometimes changes in the body cause the yeast to grow rapidly. This can lead to an outbreak of thrush.Thrush can develop when you have sex with someone who has the infection. However, it isn’t usually related to sex and is more likely to occur when you: * wear tight trousers or nylon underwear * take certain antibiotics * are pregnant * are diabetic * are unwell or ill * use products that may cause irritation such as vaginal deodorantsYou can’t catch thrush from kissing, hugging, sharing baths, towels, cups, plates or cutlery, or from toilet seats or swimming pools.Signs and symptomsBoth men and women can get thrush.Warning – close-up imagesIf you’d like to see what the effects of thrush look like, click on any of the links below. Be warned, though – these pictures are graphic and you may find them disturbing. * Close-up picture of oral thrush. * Close-up picture of penile thrush. * Close-up picture of vaginal thrush.Symptoms in women: * soreness, redness and itching around the vulva (lips of the vagina), the vagina and anus * thick, white discharge from the vagina that looks like cottage cheese and smells of yeast * pain during sex * pain passing urineAt least three out of four women will experience thrush at some time in their lives.Symptoms in men: * burning, itching, redness and red patches under the foreskin or on the tip of the penis * thick, cheesy discharge under the foreskin * problems pulling back the foreskinAt least three out of four women will experience thrush at some time in their lives.Testing and treatmentTests shouldn’t be painful, but they may be uncomfortable. They may include: * a genital examination by a doctor or nurse * taking swabs from the infected area and examining them under a microscope * women may be given an internal examination Thrush is easily treated using pessaries (almond-shaped tablets that are inserted into the vagina), cream or tablets. Men are usually treated with creams. It’s best to avoid sex until the treatment is completed and the infection has cleared up.Some self-help measures can be useful in preventing or clearing up outbreaks of thrush: * avoid using perfumed soap, bubble bath and other irritants such as disinfectants * avoid douching (washing out the vagina with liquids) * avoid tight nylon underwear * women should wash and wipe the genital area from front to back * women should also use sanitary pads rather than tampons during their periodsWhat happens if it isn’t treated?Thrush doesn’t cause serious long-term health problems. It will clear up without treatment, but this will prolong the discomfort.Where to go for help and adviceYou can talk to your GP or go to a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic. Such clinics diagnose and treat all STIs for free. They’re completely confidential and your GP won’t be informed without your consent. You can go to any clinic in the country for advice or treatment.
sorry haven’t had that problem beforemaybe the area is dry. Was there a big weather change?
It sounds like a yeast infections.. common in women..What do my symptoms mean?Your quick one-stop resource for discovering what your women’s health symptoms may indicate. Just click on the link and find a short page that describes the relevant women’s health symptoms and includes information for learning more. Bacterial Vaginosis Bleeding Disorders Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Chlamydia Diabetes Dehydration Diverticulitis Ectopic Pregnancy Endometriosis Fibrocystic Breast Disease Fibroid Tumors Gallbladder Disease Genital Herpes Heart Attack High Blood Pressure Menopause Miscarriage Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cysts Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Perimenopause Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Pregnancy Skin Cancer Stroke Toxic Shock Syndrome Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) Uterine Cancer Yeast Infection
could be a yeast infection (if there is a yukky discharge that goes along with it (no need for sex for this one, just an inbalance of you bodies natural chemical makeup.) Bacterial infection, (again no sex needed, just need to wipe the wrong way just once) could be you have some ingrown hairs on your lips or even just a rash.
have you been tested for DIABETES
Umm dry lips? Seriously being male I’ve never had this problem but I have heard of it.I doubt it is anything serious, perhaps a yeast infection or jock itch which are basically the same and you can get either just from perspiration. Your doc can tell easily enough.
Wearing tight clothing around your vaginal area can lead to yeast infections. You might need to find a line of clothing that fits whatever your body type is so that the fit is looser around the crotch. It is common enough problem for women that I wouldn’t be freaked-out by it.
This itch what you claim being only on the external .Then you must have not washed /risen your panties well enough to get rid of the soap in the washing machine ,as this is usually the case of the ITCHY feeling even after keeping your self very clean. Best of luck
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