what if the egg doesnt connect to the uterine lining?

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I just found out that i was prego with my first baby and i have been having alot of bad cramps the doctor did a sono and wasnt impressed he wants to get a 2nd opinion, which scares me, he said that the egg has not attached to my uerine lining, what could that mean, should i be worried? HELP?!!
More Answers to “what if the egg doesnt connect to the uterine lining?
If it doesn’t attach, it could come out during your next period. That’s what your period is. When the egg does not attach to the uterine wall, the uterus loses that layer and that egg, and you have your period. Ask your doctor as many questions as you fell you need to. The egg has to attach or the fetus will not grow.There isn’t anything you can do to make this happen, so you may miscarry the baby. At least you know the medical reason.
Though I don’t think there is anything you can do if the fertilized egg doesn’t implant itself in your uterine lining, thus allowing it to grow into a baby, you should get that second opinion right away. It doesn’t sound like your doctor was of much help in preparing you for what to expect. The odds are that you will miscarry. I know that will be very hard for you. Call another obstetrician right away and explain what is happening and what your doctor said. Write down all your questions ahead of time and ask all of them. Take your mom, sister or friend with you. Take them into the examination room with you. You shouldn’t be going through this alone. God bless you as you go through this. It normally means you are not pregnant. Being pregnant means the fertilized egg has implanted in the uterine lining and begun to grow. so I am not sure what your doctor was talking about!
if the baby doesn’t connect it cant feed the baby connect the umbilical cord to the wall the uterus to eat no umbilical means troble i would think An egg requires implantation on the uterine wall, as it has an ample amount of blood vessels to supply the baby with plenty of nutrition. Occasionally the egg does not plant itself in these areas.ectopic pregnancies (out side the uterus), can be life threatening to the mother.for example if it implants in an ovarian tube the enlarging baby would cause the tube to burst and mother to bleed. Other misplants may not offer a firm grasp and may tear loose causing bleeding for the mother and a lack of blood to the baby.So I guess the answer to your question is just wait and see, your doctor may not have confidence that it has implanted correctly and reccomend a D&C to clean out your uterus, and thus ending this pregnancy.Or maybe it has implanted in a safe enough location.your second opinnion should tell. I am sorry, but if this has happened the pregnancy cant continue since it cant attach, it cant get a placenta and the fetus wont get any nutrients.
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