My daughter has just been turned down for breast augmentation due to lack of funding what can she do?

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She cannot afford to go private. The consultant agreed to the operation ( she is a aa cup) an 23years old. Is there anything else she can do? I am very worried about her.
More Answers to “My daughter has just been turned down for breast augmentation due to lack of funding what can she do?
Um, maybe she should try natural enhancing tablets. I’ve been on BreastGro since February and have gone from a AA to an A. They cost about £49 a box and you should take them for about 8 months (1 box=1 month’s supply). Try for more info
She should purchase the silicone prosthetics that go inside her bra and start saving money. why doesnt she set it up and make payments every month then when its paid for have the surgery after? lots of people do this because not everyone has 5000.00 cash ready to get a boob job!
Oh dear, now she’ll have to learn to accept her body.I predict a problem.
Having been told yes and then for that to be taken away from her is awful, she must be feeling very low about this and herself. And as a mother you must be worried out of your mind you see your daughter so unhappy. There may be another way or two. One to appeal against the hospital, write to the directors and explain they said yes and then no, also what this meant has done to your daughter since. Also you are allowed to request with your doctor to be placed under another hospital infact since being part of the EU your allowed to even go aboard to have this done but i would stick to England better chance of a yes. But yes indeed go back to her doctor and make the request i doubt he will say no for another hospital. Good luck and i wish your daughter well. You should be telling her she is worth more than larger breasts.
some places have a loan rather be flat than under the knife I understand the stress she is under..but augmentation is strictly cosmetic and in no way can be covered by insurance. There are loans you can get however. That is your only solution to the money problem. Good luck 🙂
Why does she define herself through the size of her breasts. As a mother you should be teaching her about self acceptance. find a guy who likes aa boobs. diffrent people like diffrent things.oh yes. and she should get over herself. given the amount of cancer and stuff teh nhs deals with, her mozei bites are sucking up valuble health funds.
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