i need help quick!?

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sometimes i feel ugly sometimes i feel fat sometimes i fel like killing myself help me out ! please? anyone?
More Answers to “i need help quick!?
According to the reading I have done regarding hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) the brain, when it senses that blood sugar is low, will do sometimes strange things to get the blood sugar (glucose) out of storage and into the blood stream. Adrenaline is one sure way to do this. If making you think of killing yourself, and thinking of the pain and blood and the results causes you to get an adrenaline rush, then low blood sugar is probably the cause.Suggestion? The next time you feel fat, ugly or like killing yourself, go to the kitchen and get some protein, meat, a can of tuna or whatever, and eat it. It is very low calorie. Also have some carbohydrate, like a some carrots/celery and some nuts or peanut butter. Eat at least 2 ounces of the protein. Then drink a glass of water and do something to take your mind off of yourself for 30 minutes. Walking a block or running in place or something energetic is good.Chronic low blood sugar can also cause self-esteem problems (the reason you feel ugly), obesity, anger management problems and a whole bunch of other physical and mental nasties. You may want to check out the symptoms link on www.hufa.org, and see how you check out. It may not be you – it may be the way your body/brain processes food.
Have you called the suicide line when you feel like killing yourself? I would have the number handy if I were you. You sound young to me because the young can be self-critical to the max–often thinking something is wrong when it’s not. I’m old with children and grandchilren but I remember the feelings you describe. Unless you’re Muslim I recommend reading the 23rd psalm every day—REALLY taking in what it says. Ever since I’ve done this my life has been happier and things have worked out better. You also may want to get professional help. Above all–love yourself, my dear–you are worth it. With love.
If you feel these things, tell someone. It helps to talk to someone. I would recommend you see your family doctor and tell him what your thoughts are and he will help you choose the best treatment options
Sounds like depression. find a therapist who can help you to be happy with who you are.
you are only as fat and ugly as you let yourself feel. the biggest turning point in my life was when i looked at myself in the mirror, and told myself that i wasn’t ugly, then it turned into my thinking i was kinda cute, etc. anyway. my point is that confidence is EVERYTHING! the change in attention i receive now has tripled due simply to the fact that i like myself for who i am. and don’t think that im a skinny little pretty thing, i just know what i am on the inside, and that shines outwardly now that i am confident that i am worth this space i take up on earth. keep your chin up, i promise that if you do good things and are a good person, it will get better. Good luck, and best wishes. Hiya!Hun you are NOT ugly. Its very normal when your young to feel ugly and fat and like life is going no where. But wanting to kill yourself is signs of depression. How long have you felt this way for? Have you noticed anything that brings on these episodes when you hate your body, your looks and want to die? Is it what people say to you or about you? Keep a diary of how you feel, what causes you to feel this way. If its your friends saying horrible things about you then chuck them. You dont need people like that sweetheart. Your perfect the way you are and dont let anyone tell you different.
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