What is your input on the HPV(Gardisil) shot?

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What is your input on the HPV(Gardisil) shot?
More Answers to “What is your input on the HPV(Gardisil) shot?
that it’s an advancement in science that should be taken advantage of. people who preach abstinence have had for years, and nothing has improved. I think it’s time science steps in and deals with what’s going on in the real world.
I wish I was young enough to get one. I’m 30, too old for it.
What’s yours?
Hpv is a sexually trasmitted disease that is acually a curable disease. in most cases it will not stay with you for the rest of your life. in most cases it goes away on its on if you are being healthy. in some cases they can burn the cells off. your gyno can map out were those cells are exactly and choose the best method for you. Hpv has become a huge problem because they have not been able to detect it until about a year ago. and it causes cancer in wemon. if they have a shot for it, and your gyno says its the best for you, then try it. always ask what the side effects are.
It is a good thing, and if I were a young woman I would definitely get this shot. HPV is not a virus anyone would want to have, and it stays with you for life, while impairing one’s immune system.
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