can a woman be pregnant and still come on her peroid?

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can a woman be pregnant and still come on her peroid?
More Answers to “can a woman be pregnant and still come on her peroid?
Answer: In some cases, it is normal for women to experience some bleeding during the first few months of a pregnancy. This bleeding early in a pregnancy is caused by numerous factors, such as hormonal imbalances, miscarriages, etc. Many times this bleeding is mistaken as a menstrual period, even though it is not an actual period. Shortly after fertilization, the body begins to produce a hormone (hCG) that prevents ovulation from occurring because the woman’s body is already sustaining a pregnancy. Since ovulation is suppressed by the hCG hormone, the body does not experience a menstrual period (the shedding of the uterine lining to prepare the uterus for implantation by a fertilized egg during the next cycle of ovulation). A home pregnancy test will usually be able to detect hCG fourteen days after fertilization. So before taking a home pregnancy test, you should wait at least fourteen days after unprotected sexual intercourse or until you miss your period.
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