Why are hot flashes making my mom miserable?

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My mom is having really bad hot flashes and is making me and my daughter miserable by having the air conditioner on in NOVEMBER! My daughter is only 3 weeks old, you see. and I wanna know if it is legal to murder a woman who is having menopausal hot flashes, and if anybody ever heard of HogWild Spices? ( www.hogwildspices.com ) (only joking about the murdering part. or am I?) How can I get them to stop? And would you like to taste the spice? *points to website* I want to do what I can for my mother, but she’s making ME miserable with her. what do I do? (for a Klondike Bar)
More Answers to “Why are hot flashes making my mom miserable?
hot flashes are hideous. Go to store and ask pharamcist about menopausal vitamins or remedies for her.
Wild yam, black cohosh, vitex.
they are a pain in the butt tell her to keep cold water handy and sip on it never heard of the spices are they good?
consider putting an air conditioner in her bedroom window and tell her to go in there if the rest of the house is too hot.Tell her that black cohosh is a plant extract that helps alleviate the symptoms of menopause and can be got in most drug stores or supplement stores. It is natural and inexpensive. Or she can get hormones from her doctor.
wait and you will understand
I too suffer from hot flashes a curse us woman going through the change of life must endure. Nothing can really be done try to understand and support her not kill her lol.
Menopause, every living woman at certain age has to go through that, very normal..☺
Maybe ur mom is going through hormone changes that makes her moods change suddenly,just bear with her and put more clothes on the baby or if possible u and she can stay in another part of the house while ur mom composes herself. I ve been there so I know the being nasty is not meant towards anyone personally it is those raging hormones. Ask her to speak to her doctor,because there r some foods that have natural esgergen in them,not sure if that is spelled properly .Hope u know what I mean. Good luck Curious 2006
HRT, Evening primrose oil, fish oil, soya and linseed bread and cereals all supposed help. However they don’t help me and I keep on turning on the air con. Good luck
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