i need to write a complaint letter.?

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to the company that makes these tights for ladies.. its a tight that goes from the knee to the elbow that holds everything in place and makes the woman look 15 pounds skinnier… what a sick joke. what is the tights-suit called ?
More Answers to “i need to write a complaint letter.?
It’s a body suit
Letters remain hugely important in our everyday lives. People still feel the need to hv something confirmed in writing. Below are some top tips for getting u letter right.Before u begin writing a letter ask yourself.Why I am writing this letter or what has led up to it?What do I hope to get out of it ( my maximum aims ) ?What do u expect to get out of it ( my realistic aims ) ?What is the best way to achieve this?What information do I need to provide?source: http://www.askoxford.com/betterwriting/letterwriting/?view=uk If u surf on the following links thoroughly and consciously u will not only find a good store of letters but u will learn also how to write good letter. Ur specific requirement can also be met.http://www.career.fsu.edu/ccis/guides/write_eff.htmlhttp://www.libraryonline.com/http://esl.about.com/cs/onthejobenglish/a/a_basbletter.htmhttp://englishplus.com/grammar/letrcont.htmhttp://www.wendy.com/letterwriting/http://www.writeexpress.com/http://www.writinghelp-central.com/http://www.theromantic.com/LoveLetters/main.htmhttp://library.lovingyou.com/letters/Please visit the above links. I hope , it helps u.
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