Can birth control give you symptoms of pregnancy

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can birth control give you symptoms of pregnancy”,you can compare them.

There are birth control options that will give you signs similar to pregnancy.If you have signs you should see a doc to be sure. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can birth control give you symptoms of pregnancy
Does birth control give you false symptoms mimicking pregnancy??
yes. actually birth control is kind of a way to trick your body into thinking it’s pregnant so that you won’t become pregnant. so you may experience all the symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, tiredness, increase in appetite, etc.
Can birth control give the same symptoms of pregnancy??
All of the listed side effects of birth control are like pregnancy symptoms. Read the pamphlet that came with your pills
What Pregnancy Symptoms Did Your Birth Control Give You??
I know birth control can sometimes cause pregnancy symptoms so I was curious to see what symptoms others had and how long they lasted. Also, if you got pregnant while on the pill did that have any affect on your symptoms or when you found…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What pregnancy symptoms did your birth control give you?
Q: I know birth control can sometimes cause pregnancy symptoms so I was curious to see what symptoms others had and how long they lasted. Also, if you got pregnant while on the pill did that have any affect on your symptoms or when you found out you were pregnant?
A: Well they would actually be symptoms that mimic pregnancy symptoms or PMS. Fatigue, weight gain, crazy emotions (up and down), bloating, constipation. Those are some of the most common. Light spotting before you take your sugar pills (the last week of pills in the pack). You can even skip your periods on birth control or not even get them if you are taking something like depo (the shot). If you got pregnant on birth contorl it would not effect any symptoms that you would get if you were pregnant.
Birth control, symptoms, pregnancy?
Q: I missed the second, third, fifth, and seventh pills of my birth control pack (which I have been on for nine months). I had unprotected sex every day that first week as well. (I’m now on my eighth pill of the pack). The day that I missed the third pill I had bad headaches, and I felt like I was getting hot flashes. I had a huge appetite, but when I ate I got full really fast, then hungry soon after. I have been having no symptoms like the ones described above for the past two days**As of yesterday, I have had odorless, white/clear thin vaginal discharge (more than usual). Do you think these could be signs of pregnancy? Or do you think the vaginal discharge could be ovulation, or me just thinking about it too much? Also, the headaches/hot flashes could just be in my head as well, because I know no signs show up the day you conceive. What do you think? How high do you think my chances of conceiving are? NO rude comments please! Me and my husband are going to try for a baby after our move but would be MORE than happy to conceive one now!! And he knows about my missed pills!! Thank you for your help!
A: You are almost definitely not having symptoms so early, so it’s probably unrelated. However, having missed so many pills, it is certainly possible that you are pregnant. So just to be safe, stop taking your pills until you miss a period and test. Lots of people keep taking them not knowing they are pregnant and don’t have any problems, but they can potentially cause harm to the baby. So if there’s a chance, stop them until you know for sure.
Can starting birth control give you pregnancy symptoms?
Q: My son is four months, I just started taking the pill about 5 days ago. Yesterday and today I have been feeling a little sick like when I was pregnant and I also the smell of my deodorant made me feel nauseous this morning.And I am on the ‘mini’ pill if that makes any difference.
A: Yea, it’ll likely last most of the month. Next month, it’ll only last a couple days, and after that, you’ll feel like that for the first few hours after you take the first one of a new pack. The hormones are a shock to your system, but as the months go on and your body gets used to it, it wont last as long. Last time I switched BC pills I was pretty convinced I WAS pregnant.
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