Can you get pregnant when your on your period easily

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get pregnant when your on your period easily”,you can compare them.

Yes you can get pregnant during your period, but your chances of getting pregnant during your period are slim. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get pregnant when your on your period easily
Can you get pregnant easily on period?
Not quite as easily, but beware, you still can get prego!
Can you get pregnant easily during a period?
yes you can, because you really dont know when you ovulate. stress and other things can cause you to ovulate other times then expected. i know a lady that actually got pregnant while having sex when she was on her period.
Why is having sex right before your period not smart? does it get…?
It depends on when you ovulate. Stress delays ovulation not your period. The day your period is going to come is determined by the day you ovulate. If you ovulate late, your period will then be late. It is normal to ovulate earlier or later…

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A: you can always get pregnant.and being on you period only decreases, (not eliminates) the chance of getting yes………………….
why is having sex right before your period not smart? does it get you pregnant easily?
Q: if you have sex right before your period, does your period get delayed? because its happening to me right now i havnt had it for 2 days.and is the egg more accesable to the sperm for the egg to be fertilized right before your period?
A: It depends on when you ovulate. Stress delays ovulation not your period. The day your period is going to come is determined by the day you ovulate. If you ovulate late, your period will then be late. It is normal to ovulate earlier or later in any given cycle. Ovulation does not always occur at the same time, or same cycle day every month. It can vary from month to month. Once you ovulate, and your egg is released, it only lives for 12-24 hours. Sometimes it lives as short a 6 hours. It has to be fertilized within that time frame for you to become pregnant. Sperm can live in our bodies for 5-7 days. Average is 3, but they can survive as long as 7 days in good quality cervical mucus. So, if you had sex prior to ovulation, chances are the sperm are still living in your fallopian tubes, awaiting the egg to fetilize it. So pregnancy all depends on when you ovulate, and how long your egg lives, and if there was sperm present to fertilize it. It’s all about timing, and ovulation, and mobile sperm.
Can you get pregnant more easily if your on your period?
Q: Well. today, me and my girlfriend had sex for the first time (for both of us) and were 16. andshe was on her period. and i was wereing a condom. but i was thinking either if i should cum in her or not since i had a condom, but i decided not to, and rightwen i took it out i just noticed the condom was broken. What are the odds of her getting pregnant even if i didnt cum in her. sorry im just buggin out a little about it.
A: Theres a slim chance she could get pregnant. Pre cum still contains sperm and rarely does a girl ovulate while on her period so slim but not likely chance.
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