Does spotting mean that your pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Does spotting mean that your pregnant”,you can compare them.

Spotting could be a sign of pregnancy but more likely it is due to a hormonal imbalance. Take a pregnancy test in a week to see. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does spotting mean that your pregnant
If it’s only been 2 weeks since your period it’s unlikely to be spotting related to pregnancy, as chances are you haven’t yet ovulated or are about to ovulate in your cycle. Some women do have spotting around ovulation, and it’s caused by t…
Spotting is neither a part of periods nor indicate pregnancy. Only one type of spotting that is also called implantation bleeding can suspect pregnancy. Otherwise, spotting is not a sign of pregnancy. In fact, non of the signs of the pregna…
Just because you are spotting doesn’t mean that you are pregnant. I would say that spotting would make you not pregnant. But, I do not know. Since you had unprotected sex there is always a possibility that you could be pregnant. The only th…

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A: probably not pregnent.but i’d go to the doctor,and try a pregnency test.but i’m pretty sure you’re not pregnent.
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A: Maybe that is what happened with me. I spotted for 3 days and then took a test and it came back positive.
Does spotting mean your pregnant?
Q: Yesterday night me and my boyfriend had sex he was on top. And well today about 4 hours ago i was spotting for about 10 minutes and its verry light and my underwear is kinda damp.My period is not due till next week so idk.Can it be inplantation bleeding, is that even possible that fast? or how does that work??not a virgin neither lol
A: maybe so??? but if you were a virgin then it could of happened??
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