How can you tell if your pregnant or not

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The best way to tell if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.The majority of pregnancy tests check for the presence of hCG [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if your pregnant or not
you can tell cuuz u weight is different
go to a clinic and have them do a urine and blood test. They wont be wrong. so you can either waste the money on home pregnancy tests or just go to a clinic for a definite answer.
The first and most obvious sign of pregnancy is the absence of a period. If you suspect pregnancy, it is best to take a pregnancy test, either at home with a pregnancy test kit or you can schedule an appointment with your healthcare advisor…

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Can’t tell if Im pregnant or not!?
Q: Ok this is a lot of info but please help me out ladies! I am a week late. I have normal periods on a 32 day cycle. I’m moody as hell, want to cry half the time or hurt my husband the other lol. I’ve noticed increased discharge for two weeks now. Have a craving for cinnamon and coconut(which I hate both!) Lower back pain that’s a dull tugging pain. Increased libido like no other! Was starving the other night but once i got into the eatery I felt like getting sick. Craving lots of water. And the last few days all I’ve wanted to do was sleep but couldn’t get comfortable because i had acid reflux so bad. I took a test today but came up negative. I figure I’ll wait another couple of weeks since i usually ovulate around day 21 instead of the reg 14. I was wondering if anyone has ever taken a test and gotten a false negative test with all the symptoms? Thanks for you time and answers!!!
A: if you have symptoms there is no way to get a false negative on a brand name test.what causes pregnancy symptoms is a hormone and it’s that hormone that the tests look if you have enough hormone for symptoms you have enough for an accurate test.but honestly you just described my pms symptoms
How soon can you know if you are pregnant if you tried while you were ovulating?
Q: We are trying to get pregnant. We have bought an ovulation test and everything. If we made attempts during this time and it has worked, how soon should I be able to find out? Will a doctor be able to tell me before a box test can?
A: Pippen said it beautifully.I´m TTC my first and I get so anxious every month. But I look at it as: If I´m pregnant, I´m pregnant. And if I´m not, I´m not. Taking the test a few days early isn´t going to change that.You can take a home test up to 5 days before your missed period, but taking it that early will often produce a false negative even when you are pregnant because the hormones you produce during pregnancy often aren´t high enough to be registered on a home pregnancy test that early. And you can go to a doctor if you want, but as Pippen said, it´ll get costly if you´re going to do it every single month and the doc probably wouldn´t do it until you have missed a period, anyway. If you REALLY want to test early, go to the Dollar Store and buy the tests there. They´re just as good as the expensive ones. Keep in mind that if you test before your missed period you could get a negative and still be pregnant. Also keep in mind that its possible to get a positive pregnancy test that early and have it end in a very early miscarriage that you otherwise would never have even known about. It´s estimated that anywhere between 50-65% of pregnancies end in the first weeks and is expelled as a normal period without the woman ever even knowing that she was pregnant. If you take the test and get a positive, you will know about the miscarriage. Some women can handle that emotionally but for others, ignorance is bliss when it comes to this topic.If you don´t want to deal with that possibility, and want to save some money, just wait til 4-5 days after the first day of your missed period and test then. The test will be much more accurate at that point.
When you were pregnant did your doctor tell you that you sould lay on your left side?
Q: I am taking patho and my professor said that most doctors don’t tell pregnant women that although it is really important that they do so they have good blood flow.
A: yes i was aware oif this, however couldnt abide by it in late pregnancy. unfortunately my son took after his dad and has HUGE feet which rested right on my left front rib cage for the last 5 weeks of pregnancy. they were as big as a BIC lighter (if you know what that is) when he was born so with two of those pushing against my ribs, i had to lay on the right.
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