How long does it take for the baby to arrive after the water breaks

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Every women is different when it comes to labor. After the water breaks it could take as little as 30 mins to a couple days. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for the baby to arrive after the water breaks
How long does it take for the baby to come out after the doctor b…?
There is no set time. Could be long, could be short. There are to many variables here to make a prediction. The maximum time should be 24 hours, longer than that and you have the problem of infection.

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Q: I am 37 weeks pregnant and I’ve been 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced for the past week. How long until my baby will arrive. Also how do you know when you are actually in labor. I’ve been having real contractions since I was 30 weeks and was put on bed rest. Now my doctor says I can have him anytime. Is there anything I can do to speed things up a bit? Serious replies only! When your water breaks how does it feel. Does it gush out or trickle out? Warm or Cold? Thanks.I lost my mucus plug over two weeks ago. I’ve been having lots of low back pain and contractions coming every five or so minutes. I went to my doctor today and I’m still 2 cm and 80% effaced so that was no change from last week. I’ve never had braxton Hicks I started having the actual contractions at 30 weeks. They started off coming every 10 mins now they average around 5.
A: The water doesn’t always break, with my first it did but my second and third did not and that had to be done at the hospital, how will you know you are in labor? If you feel like your whole insides are being ripped apart and you feel like scratching your husband’s eyes out, then you are in labor, meanwhile you are ok.
Show at 33 weeks, when will baby arrive?
Q: Im sure this is a show, well i did call my midwife and she said it sounds like this also. How long has your baby come after you had a show. IM my first pregnancy i didn’t have a show, my waters broke, had baby on due date, so im not sure about shows etc.
A: It can be a week or two after you’ve has a show before you go into labour. I am surprised the midwife doesn’t want to see you as your 33 weeks!! I would possible contact the Doctor and in the meantime look at the web pages that contain lots of tangible advise from professionals. Good luck XX
37.6 weeks pregnant been having pains 1cm a moment how long will it take to be 3Cm’s ?
Q: hi been having pains for last 2 days they were 20 Min’s apart yesterday and really sore went to hospital all ready and they gave me an internal and said my cervix is very soft and I’m 1 cm dilated since the internal they are 12 Min’s apart they sad i can not go back until there 5 Min’s apart or my waters break i cant really walk as pain is so bad when they come does any one have any good tips or how to speed things up or how long it will take until my baby arrives had c section with my first son so did not have labour pains the hospital said it might be in the next few days i had my show 4 weeks ago and baby has had steriods at 33 weeks as had a bad uti and he hospital was worried incase went in to prem labour
A: walk i know how bad pain can be so make sure ur not walkin alone. walkin helps the baby get further into position, also try takin a warm bath again make sure you have help gettin in and out of the bath. good luck seems we are both the same far along i just had my membranes stripped today and i was 2 cm 50% effaced but no contractions at all yet 🙁 this is third baby for me so hopefully it comes soon!!!
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