How much do morning after pills cost

Health related question in topics Womens Health Medicine Treatment Shopping .We found some answers as below for this question “How much do morning after pills cost”,you can compare them.

It can run anywhere form $8.95 which is a low price up to $35.00. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much do morning after pills cost
The Morning After Pill usually costs between 20-40 dollars from the local GP. If you attend a Government Family Planning metting, they could possibly pass them out for free. It just depends what you want to do. If you are wanting one of the…
Depending on where you live it can run about 50 bucks. I called Walgreens about an hour ago and that is the price range they told me. I am in California by the way. The best thing to do is call your local walgreens and ask. If you cant affo…
If you buy it from the chemist, it costs anywhere between £22-25. Alternatively, you can obtain it free of charge from your GP, Local Family Planning Centre and GUM clinic.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much do morning after pills cost?
Q: I’m just curious as I’m thinking of investing in some. How many do you get in a box, where can you get them (can I get them at Wal-mart or someplace like that) and how much will they run me? Thanks!
A: Where I live they run from around 40-50 call walmart ahead of time to see if they even have them cause the one here is usually always low on stock
how much does the morning after pill cost and is it easy to get?
Q: i live in WA australia, i am 16 and i need the morning after pill. but i dont want to go to my GP because he knows the parents. can you get it easily from pharmacys and also how much does it cost. Damn condoms that break all the time!
A: as long as your 18 you don’t need a prescription for the morning after pill. And obviously you are not old enough so there are a few options…Option A. You can get an older friend/or brother sister to buy it for you (not suggested haha)Option B. You can tell your parents and have them buy it for youOption C. You can have the baby ( my sister was 15 when she got preganant and gave birth at 16. she kept the baby and we’ve all been in love since)Option D. You can take your chances and wait it out and see if you are or not. Its not VERY likely that you’ll get pregnant the first time this happens ( though I did haha) But honestly i would go with option c or d. Im not a believer in abortion and in my personal point of view the morning after pill is just that. But to each their own. Good luck hun hope it all works out for you
How much does the morning after pill cost?
Q: i need to get the morning after pill, but i need to know how much it costs. also can a guy get this?
A: If you’re in the US, you should be able to go to a planned parenthood clinic, and as long as you don’t have any sort of substantial income, they’ll provide you with free birth control of your choice.You will need to go in to get it, you can be accompanied by someone, but generally they’ll want to do a pap and simple physical to make sure you’re healthy.
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