How old will i be when i have my first baby

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In 2005, the average age of first-time moms was 25.2 years. Anything else that I can help you with this evening? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How old will i be when i have my first baby
How old were you when you had your first baby??
well it all depends on how many kids you want and how far apart you want them i think and whether your situation is good to raise a child. I want my kids 4-6 years apart so i’m hoping to fall pregnant within the next year so my kid will b…
Can a 14 year old horse have her first baby?
yes, it is actually better the more mature they are, as long as they aren’t too old, but 14 is fine.
Is 30 to old to have your first baby?
No, but I’d think long and hard about any more. I had my first at 23 and my last at 30. There was a huge difference. Physically, it was much more difficult at 30.

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A: I felt like a human pacifier for about the first 3 months..I thought the same thing but it was not until he was about 3-4 months old that my son started stretching out the feedings. Good luck!
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A: my daughter started sleeping a 6 hour stretch at 6 months – before 6 months she was up every 4 hours im afraid and as a newborn every 2 hours…now shes 8 months old and sometimes sleeps up to 10hours a night but sometimes is up every 4 hours ….up every hour sometimes when teethings bad…people told me it gets better but it feels im back to square one lol
How can I get my baby to roll over both ways?
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A: my son started rolling at 3 months to one side but only just started rolling the other way now he is 5 months, so it will come in time maybe quicker but please wait i was asking the same questions my friend has a baby 2 months old than my son (7months now ) but when she started rolling she would roll all over the place but my son wont he will roller over on front and stay there lol till you move him, but in the last week he has started to crawl 🙂 which he is loving, he wants my handbag and laptop lead now instead off his toys lol u will soon be wishing if he could just stay were you last put them lol good luck
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