How soon after conception can pregnancy be detected

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How soon after conception can pregnancy be detected”,you can compare them.

For most women, it may be possible to determine whether you are pregnant as early as 7-10 days after conception. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How soon after conception can pregnancy be detected
How soon after conception can pregnancy be detected?
Since you are one the pill you don’t ovulate so if you miss one it is hard to say when you ovulated (if you did). I would wait 2 weeks from the last day you had sex.(9/3) That would probably get you the best results. Chances are you would…
How soon after conception do your products detect pregnancy??
In normal pregnancy, hCG can be detected as early as 6 days following conception with concentrations doubling every 32 to 48 hours. Levels at 25 mIU/mL of hCG (clinically significant pregnancy level) are reportedly present in serum and urin…
When is the soonest after conception you can detect pregnancy??
It all depends on when you begin to produce the pregnancy hormone, hcg. Once you start producing the hormone, it can take a while for enough to be in your system to be detected on a test. So you see, there is no way to say “at x days b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how soon after conception can pregnancy be detected in a test?
Q: How long before it can be detected in urine?I saw a website that says 6 – 12 days.
A: Some say they can detect it after 48 hours, but if you read the fine print, it says something about it is only 25% accurate…..waste of money So, I would wait until your missed period, or 10-14 days, which should be enough time for implantation and hormonal changes. Seems forever away doesn’t it? Buy a cheap test if you are itching.
How soon after conception can pregnancy be detected?
Q: I have been nausea for several weeks now and I have had other pregnancy symptoms that I also had with my son. When I was pregnant with my son my husband had gotten sick a lot and also had nausea. He is going through the same thing again.My son is almost nine months old and I am still breastfeeding. I still am breastfeeding.I am on the mini-pill, Camila. I had sex on 8/27 and on 9/3. I missed the pill on 8/29. I am wondering if I could be pregnant?My husband had confessed that he had been wondering the same thing. Also if I am pregnant when will it show on the at-home pregnancy test?Remember I have not had a period since March of 2007. So I cannot base taking a test on my period.I do know that breastfeeding and birth control is not 100% effective.I stopped taking the pill on 9/7 in case I was pregnant.
A: Ovulation happens on average 14 days before your period is due.If the egg is fertilised it takes approximately 6 to 12 days to make its journey through the tubes and start to implant in the uterus lining.At this stage, your body starts producing the hormone hCG. This hormone maintains the corpus luteum (which is the cyst on your ovary where the egg was released from). This cyst needs to be kept in place as it is what produces the prostegene which will maintain the pregnancy until the placenta takes over at 8-12 weeks.As the hormone hCG is what pregnancy tests look for, the levels will NOT start rising until AT LEAST 6-12 days after fertilistion. This hormone then doubles around every 48-72 hours.It is possible around the time of ovulation to get tender breasts, but most other symptons of pregnancy do not occur until 4-6 weeks.If you think you are pregnant – take a test, best to wait until 14 dpo to allow for time for implantation.
how soon after conception will the pregnancy hormone be detected in urine?
A: 10 days after conception is when the embryo implants in the uterus and begins sending out Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is the substance that is detected in the urine on a pregnancy test. So your answer is 10 days after conception.
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