Is it ok to swim while pregnant

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Swimming is good exercise for pregnant women, and it’s generally considered safe. Check with your doctor beforehand, though! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it ok to swim while pregnant
Is it ok to swim while pregnant?
Can You Swim While Pregnant?
Yes you can. Swimming is great exercises for you and the baby. Any doc will tell you to exercise regularly w/o straining or over doing it of course. However when u get to the later stages it is not recommended for sanitary reasons. A lot of…
Is it ok to swim in lakes while pregnant?
i think it should be safer in the second (n third) trimester. I had a friend who excercised daily during her pregnancy & gained very lil extra weight.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it ok to swim while pregnant?
Q: Im in a swim for fitness class and I MIGHT be pregnant but its too early to tell. Im a verrry fast swimmmer and have been swimming hard and fast 1200-2000 yards at a fast exhausting pace. Do you think that would have cause any damage or made me miscarry if I was pregnant? I dont have any other symptooms except sore boobs but I get those because of the birth control i take.Advice please?
A: Swimming is actually very good exercise for a pregnant woman. For now, just listen to your body. Don’t ware yourself out too much. This early in the pregnancy, you’re not going to hurt your baby by swimming too fast and when you get further along just slow it down a bit. By the end of the pregnancy you’ll look more like you’re in an aerobic swim class for seniors. 🙂 just kidding… sort of.
Is it ok to swim while your pregnant if you already started dilating?
A: yep it is very safe 🙂
is it ok to swim in the ocean while pregnant?
Q: im worried about the waves knocking me down or if the pressure could hurt the baby anyone else swim while pregnant i know its fine in the pool just worried about the waves. im 6 weeks and it will be in ocean city. thanks guy i leave tomorrow for the week long trip
A: You have to swim face up, walk backwards into the waves & pray a hungry Bull Shark or Great White aren’t hungry for baby veal!No, you have nothing to worry about.The force of the normal ocean waves are not strong enough to harm either you or the baby.In fact, worrying over this topic does your body more harm than swimming on most given days could ever do
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