What are the chances of becoming pregnant with cysts on your ovaries

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There is still a chance to get pregnant with cysts on your ovaries. My mother did and my sister is now 25 years old. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-chances-of-becoming-pregnant-with-cysts-on-your-ovaries ]
More Answers to “What are the chances of becoming pregnant with cysts on your ovaries
Do cysts in your ovaries affect the chances of becoming pregnant??
Yes, some ovarian cysts contribute to infertility. However, it depends on the kind of ovarian cyst you have. There are several types of ovarian cysts: * Functional cysts. Functional cysts are the most common type of ovarian cyst. Functional…

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do cysts in your ovaries affect the chances of becoming pregnant?
Q: i have little cysts in my ovaries and was wondering will it affect my chances of becoming pregnant, also will they get bigger or even go away. i am going to see my doctor in a couple of weeks but i have been thinking about it a lot and wanted an answer sooner.
A: Yes, some ovarian cysts contribute to infertility. However, it depends on the kind of ovarian cyst you have. There are several types of ovarian cysts: * Functional cysts. Functional cysts are the most common type of ovarian cyst. Functional cysts form during a normal menstrual cycle and do not cause or contribute to infertility. In fact, functional cysts actually indicate that the necessary functions leading to fertility are taking place. * Cystadenomas. These cysts are growths in the ovary that arise from the outside lining of the ovaries, although they need treatment, they don’t affect fertility. * Dermoid cysts. These cysts contain tissue — such as skin, hair or even teeth — instead of fluid. Dermoid cysts don’t affect fertility. * Endometriomas. Endometriomas are cysts caused by endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue normally lining your uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. This type of ovarian cyst does have a detrimental effect on fertility. * Polycystic ovaries. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition marked by many small cysts in your ovaries, irregular periods and high levels of certain hormones. PCOS does contribute to infertility.If you’ve been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst and are concerned about becoming pregnant, talk to your doctor.
I found out today I may have cysts on my ovaries….?
Q: This morning I doubled over in severe pain and ended up at my doctor. She concluded I may have ovarian cysts, and that one may have ruptured, causing my pain. I have a scheduled ultrasound Wed.So my question is to women in their 20’s and 30’s (essentially childbearing age). My husband and I are trying to conceive, and now I am concerned. How do ovarian cysts affect my chances of becoming pregnant?Thank you so much!I am 24 btw. If thats needed info..
A: It is exactly as that other answerer said above. Cysts happen every month. If the cysts go away on their own without causing any scarring of the tubes, and it’s very likely that they will be just fine, then no damage will have been done. Women have cysts all the time. I wrote an article regarding what cysts are. I hope it helps.When you guys start trying, give it six months and then if you’re not pregnant, consider having an HSG to see if your tubes are OK.http://fertilityfile.com/2007/12/18/cyst-vs-egg-vs-follicle-clearing-up-the-confusion/
With the following facts, what are my chances of getting pregnant when I’m older?
Q: I’m currently 17 right now, and I want to become pregnant later in life when I’m older. I have a few problems though and I was hoping someone may know or give advice if I can conceive later in life.I started my period when I was 11 and it went well but at age 14 my periods stopped all together. I had no period again untill I was 15 and even then I had maybe one period in 6 months. On my 16th birthday I woke up during the night with bad abdominal pain and went to the emergency room thinking it was my appendix about to burst.I got tests and ultrasounds and the doctors said I could have Endometreosis, but further testing would have to be done in order to know for sure. Recently I went to a Gynecologist (sp?) and she too said I could have Endo. Tomorrow morning I’m going in for another ultrasound to look at my uterus and ovaries for cysts.I really want to experience pregnancy and motherhood when I’m older but I fear I may have Endometriosis or ovarian cysts which could leave me infertile. Can anyone tell me what my chances are of becoming pregnant?Thank you.
A: That honestly depends on the severity of the endometriosis. Some women can still go on to have children with endometriosis but if the case is really severe they may be rendered infertile. Each case is different.
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