What could be the possible causes of a missed period

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What could be the possible causes of a missed period”,you can compare them.

A missed period can be caused by pregnancy, stress, rapid weight loss, going off the pill, or certain anxiety medications. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-be-the-possible-causes-of-a-missed-period ]
More Answers to “What could be the possible causes of a missed period
What could be the possible causes if a lady misses her periods??
being on some birth control, preg, or uterin cancer, there are alot of reasons hormone levels are either up or down but none of them other than preg are normal call your doctor imediately…
Is it possible for stress to cause a completely missed period??
Yes it can.. It happen to me! && the second time I was stressing I didn’t think nothing of it.. I made a Dr’s appt. they told me I was 7wks prego! If you already took 3 test. When you schedule your Dr’s appt. tell them you want one …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Possible causes for a missed period?
Q: I have not had a period in approximately 6 weeks, but do not believe I am pregnant. I show no signs of pregnancy and am 100 percent positive that my few sexual encounters were safe.- I am on minocycline (acne prevention) and my dosage was doubled this month-I started up with my fall sport in the last two weeks and the training was pretty intense-I have been eating fast food almost every day-I have had 8 xrays this month on the chest and back regionAre any of these good explanations for a missed period?? Thanks.
A: Intense physical activity can cause a missed period.You could just be irregular.Those are 2 “non-pregnancy” thoughts off the top of my head……If you have had sex, you may still want to take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
what are the possible causes of a missed period?
Q: PLEASE READ (so you don’t look stupid by saying ‘pregnant’)i had my first when i was 11 and after that i didn’t have another until i was 13, then i had one a year until 16, when i got pregnant (it’s a long story if you want to know it e-mail me but please don’t be mean until you know the full story) i had my daughter aged 16 and 9 months, and had the implant with which i bled until i had it removed in january this year. since then i have had 2 periods and one miscarriage. (i am now 18 and have been with my fiance for 17 months) i had blood taken on Wednesday and was told to ring on monday for the results. pregnancy has been ruled out completely.i have a alright diet, i don’t really stress (plus that’d mean i was stressed for 7 years) and i don’t have any infections (again that’d mean 7 years)oh and i only exercise for 30 mins a day 4 days a weekoh and i don’t have a gynaecologist.
A: you are having an awful time with it! I would say stress, worry, etc but you say you are not stressed. Also, it could be a low body weight, but you say you have a good diet.My youngest daughter had irregular periods till she went on the pill. maybe that would suit you better than the implant. All i can say really is dont worry -but tell your g p you cant go on like this and you need him to sort it out. Good luck for monday
What are other causes of missed period?
Q: Other than pregnancy and stress. I’ve taken several pregnancy tests, they were all negative. But I haven’t had a period in nearly three months. I used to be very regular with my cycle. I know about stress to – I’ve taken that into consideration – but without insurance I can’t afford to go to the doctor. Any other possible causes? Details please!Guess this helps – I’m 24 yrs old and have one kid (1 yr) already – aside from this recent developement I’m pretty healthy. (Although like most Americans I could definitely stand to drop some weight)
A: eating disorderno proper nutritionmenopauseor it might actually be a serious problemnot that an eating disorder isn’tthat’s all i can think of right now
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