What day do you start birth control

Health related question in topics Womens Health Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What day do you start birth control”,you can compare them.

You can start your birth control pills on the same day you start your period or start the first Sunday after your period begins. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-day-do-you-start-birth-control ]
More Answers to “What day do you start birth control
What day to start birth control?
I take it now, and you should start next Sunday. The only side effect I have had is light cramps throughout the month. But my skin has cleared up majorly, and my periods are shorter and lighter. And the cramps during my period aren’t as bad…
What day should i start my birth control pills??
It won’t do anything really, especially if you aren’t taking it to protect from pregnancy. However, the best time to start taking them is the sunday after your period begins. So if your period starts this sunday then next sunday start takin…
Can you change your birth control start day without the risk of g…?
You can, but the pill will become less effective that month, so you should still use a condom or another form of birth control for the month

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do they say you’re supposed to start birth control pills the day you start your period?
Q: Why do they say you’re supposed to start birth control pills the day you start your period? What would happen if I started earlier or the 2nd day of my period?
A: There are two kinds of birth control pills: the kind you start on day 1 of your period and the kind that you start the Sunday after your period starts. Both kinds prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation (ovaries releasing an egg) and you have to take them correctly to get this protection. If you started it early or late, you are risking incorrectly matching up your natural hormones and the birth control hormones. Check with the doctor if you goof up.
How long does your period last if you do a Day 1 start on birth control?
Q: I did a day 1 start with ortho tricyclen lo on the first day of my period (obviously). It is now the third day and I am still bleeding. Doesn’t starting birth control cause your period to stop?okay…for those who don’t know what a Day 1 start means, it means you start taking birth control the first day of your cycle. there are 2 options when you start birth control: either a sunday start or a day 1 start. i chose the day 1 start because you don’t have to use a backup method of birth control for a week, like you do on the sunday start.
A: When you are a day one starter you will still have your period as you normally would and continue to take the active pills. Once you get to the nonactive pills you will have your period again and always during the time when u are taking the nonactive pills although it may take your body 1-3 days to start your period when taking the nonactive pills once it realizes its not receiving the hormones from the active pills
When I start birth control on my period day should this happen?
Q: It was my first time using birth control ever. I started it on Thursday the 22nd. That was the first day of my period. They told me to start the day I start my period. I then ended my period like one or two days after. Is that normal to have that short of a period? Or should I be concerned?
A: Well did you start with a white pill or a brown pill?The brown pills are your period pills they supplement the nutrients you lose during your period.The white pills are what you take to keep your period from coming – it regulates you so you know that when you get to your brown pills thats when your period starts.If you took the brown ones on that first day and your period still started then I dont know what happened? LoL Sometimes thats just your bodies reaction to something new!
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