What is a diaphragm birth control

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A diaphragm is a contraceptive device consisting of a thin flexible disk, usually made of rubber, that is designed to cover MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-diaphragm-birth-control ]
More Answers to “What is a diaphragm birth control
What is a diaphragm (birth control)?
Definition Diaphragms are dome-shaped barrier methods of contraception that block sperm from entering the uterus. They are made of latex (rubber) and formed like a shallow cup. Since vaginas vary in size, each patient will need to be fitted…
How to Use Diaphragms for Birth Control
・ 1 Visit your doctor or gynecologist, so that she can decide what size diaphragm will best fit your body. ・ 2 Prior to inserting, make sure that the diaphragm and your hands are clean. Squeeze about one teaspoon… ・ 3 Squeeze the diaphrag…
Is the diaphragm a good birth control method?
When a diaphragm fits right and is used correctly, it is at least as good as a male condom. If you do not use any birth control at all, there is an 85 percent chance that you will get pregnant within one year. If you use a diaphragm, this r…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the chances that a woman gets pregnant even when a condom/diaphragm/birth control pill is used?
Q: I mean is it rare or is there still a good chance of getting pregnant. I know this is wide open question but if you can just give me your 2 cents that will be great (Egs of personal experience would help if you have any)Thanks.I mean either one of the three. Not all 3 at the same time.
A: I honestly find the statistics very odd for this. They say there is a very slim chance but that isn’t always true. They don’t factor in medications you are taking. The don’t account for a woman being overweight, even if it is just a little overweight. They don’t consider women’s hormone levels either. They just give general number. I think they say 98% effective or so. I have two daughters who were conceived while I was on birth control. I had been using the patch for 5 months when I got pregnant with my oldest. I got pregnant with my youngest after I had been using the Nuva Ring for about a month and a half. There was also a pregnancy I had that resulted in miscarriage. My husband and I had been using condoms and a condom broke. This isn’t for everyone though. For some women, birth control does wonders. For me however, it doesn’t.
Is there anyone who uses internal birth control (diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge) anymore?
Q: Why or why not?I can’t take anything hormonal which is why I’m asking. I’m married so planning ahead is not a problem, we’re pretty predictable lol.
A: I have a diaphram. It is really not hard to use. I can’t take any hormones either (PCOS).
Does anyone still use a Diaphragm for Birth Control?
Q: I am just curious. I had several girfriends in the 80’s and then in the 90’s they seemed to fade away. Thanks. Any stories?
A: I used a diaphragm the first few months I was married as the alternate method while my birth control pills were taking effect in my system. I didn’t like it much because it was a pain to insert, you had to remove and reinsert it with fresh spermicidal foam every time we had sex, and it was rather uncomfortable anyway. Also, it was rather expensive.I used the diaphragm again for almost a year after my first pregnancy (a miscarriage) because for medical reasons I could not use the Pill because of the hormones it contains. I had to get it refitted for a larger size because my body had changed due to the pregnancy. I have heard that’s common… every time you give birth the diaphragm size changes and you have to buy a new one.Diaphragms also can develop pin holes and cracks in the rubber, which is why it is very important to use it always with a spermicidal foam or gel. For the cost of the foam/gel and diaphragm, it was cheaper to use the Pill.
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