What is false labor

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What is false labor”,you can compare them.

False labor is defined as “regular or irregular contractions of the uterus with no changes in the cervix.” Keep ChaChaing! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-false-labor ]
More Answers to “What is false labor
False labor pains, also known as Braxton-Hicks contractions, often occur in the last few weeks of pregnancy. They may be uncomfortable or painful and can lead you to think that you’re going into actual labor. It can be difficult to tell the…
Contractions or cramps that are irregular in their timing and don’t get closer together or more intense usually do not mean you’re in labor. These “practice” contractions often stop when you walk, move around, or change position -…
False labor, also known as Braxton-Hicks’ contractions are mild irregular contractions of the uterus that may occur at any point during your pregnancy, although they are most common near term. Some women never experience false labor at all….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the difference between false labor and braxton hicks contractions?
Q: Are they the same thing, but just called false labor when the bh contractions are frequent???
A: Braxton Hicks: When you sit down or stop moving, the pain will go away… BUT with a REAL contraction, you will still feel it even if you sit down!: )Here is the difference between false labor, true labor and Braxton Hicks contractions….. Pre-labor, False Labor and True Labor:During the last few weeks of pregnancy, the Braxton Hicks contractions become more rhythmic and appear much more frequently. This period is called pre-labor during which time the cervix is gradually stretched and softened in preparation for the birth.When these contractions begin to be painful in the lower abdomen and arrive often, the term “false labor” is used to describe the phase. You can only tell from the outside that this is not true labor when the contractions are irregular over time and eventually stop. The crucial difference is that the cervix itself does not actually change.When the contractions are regular, rhythmic and painful or very uncomfortable, the chances are that the true labor stage is being reached. Depending on your country, the doctor will advise that you go to the maternity ward when the contractions last for about a minute and are arriving every ten or fifteen minutes.When the time is right, the contractions will be painful (or at least very uncomfortable) and they will be regularly spaced over time.: ) Good luck! : )
When does a woman start to feel false labor?
Q: a friend of mine is really worried because she is experiencing some slight contractions (false labor) and she believes that it is too early. Also she says that her baby isn’t moving as much as she usually does. she usually is really active. (its a baby girl) Is this normal. She is 35 weeks pregnant.I want to tell her something that will make her feel better and not worry so much until she goes to the doctor.
A: The baby is getting bigger so she has less room to move around. I also experienced contraction at 34 or 35 weeks with my second son. This is normal her body is preparing for labor.
How many weeks did you have false labor?
Q: I am 38 weeks pregnant, and for 4 days I have been having long bouts of false labor. My contractions will be anywhere from 4 to 12 minutes apart, and sometimes they are extremely painful. But then, after a couple of hours, the contractions will go away until next time.I know many women can have this for weeks, but I’m hoping this isn’t the case for me! If you experienced hard, false labor, how long did it go on before true labor?
A: I did off and on from week 35 to week 38. My water broke at 38 weeks 3 days. There was no denying labor then. 🙂 Good Luck and just try to relax. 🙂
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