What is the heaviest period on record

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Periods are not measured and recorded by anyone to keep statistics. Periods can vary from heavy to light. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-heaviest-period-on-record ]
More Answers to “What is the heaviest period on record
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is severe period pain covered by dda rules at work?
Q: i am suffering with heavy periods lasting various amounts of times with anywhere from 4 to 7 day break, i am seeing a doctor for this and am taking zapain tablets for pain relief and other one for the bleeding, i am suffering with all the periodpain symptoms but as thi is every week i’m all over the place and getting run down and feeling weak. am i covered under the dda rules for time off work due to this as this is an ongoing medical problem i have till i see the gyny doc which will be when i move up the waiting list(currently been waiting since jan07) i am a supervisor in a big diy store so my head has to be on the ball all the time, please help as i dont want a bad sickness record but cant help being off eitheri’ve spoke with a solicitor today and she stated that in law terms this is a pysical imparement that is covered under dda as my symptoms are bad. My symptoms are treated with strong pain killers and other drugs to slow the bleeding down, and i have suffered for over 12 months as this is a reaccuring problem, so for those who get it bad out there, we have hope yet to not being discriminated against for having a period!!!!!!!!!!
A: I think you have to be suffering from a specific medical condition requiring medication or treatment to control the condition for over 12 months to be covered by the Disability Discrimination Act.You should speak to your own manager, and ask to be referred to your Occupational Health Department. They can give you firm advice about whether you are covered under the DDA. Good luck.
Can doctors tell how many miscarriages you have had?
Q: I have had multiple miscarriages over the years. The first was a few months after my son was born. The doctors never told me anything, they left me sat in a waiting room being used for antenatal visits surrounded by heavily pregnant happy women and then just sent me home. A few months later I had the symptoms of pregnanycy again but didnt do a test then the bleeding started and I pretended it was a heavy period (i guess it could have been?!). After that I just ignored symptoms and waited for the inevitable bleeding which always came. I never went back to the doctors. I have had 3 tests show positive in the last 4 years and all have ended before 10 weeks but I have not been back to the docs. Now that I am trying to get help with pregnancy I dont know what to say to the doctors as I only have one miscarriage on records but know that I have had at least 3 others. Will they believe me or will they be able to tell?
A: Unless you are honest with your doctor, no, he/she cannot tell how many miscarriages you have actually had. When you fill out paperwork, you usually see the question regarding how many pregnancies; put down how many you have had, how many live births, and how many SAB’s (spontaneous abortions, aka miscarriages – this means you didn’t go and have an abortion on your own). When you are honest with your doctor, he can look over your chart and try to determine whether or not there may be a problem with you becoming pregnant and/or carrying the pregnancy to full term.Tell him/her of the symptoms you have, how many weeks you go before the miscarriage occurs, and maybe something can be worked out to help you carry a baby to birth.Good luck.
What could an irregular period mean? Read the details before you answre, okay?
Q: I’m 15, tall and skinny. In the lowest healthy weight range for my height and weight. It’s not intentional and my doctor says I’m fine.However, my period is really irregular. I first got it when I was 12, and it’s been weird ever since. I have ADHD that I just got medication for so I have no memory span really. However, I do know that I don’t get it every month. I’d say once every 6-8 weeks. I get really cripplingly bad cramps for the entire day before, and then it goes okay. Normally lasts for 6-8 (once or twice 9) days, with moderately heavy flow. I was supposed to keep a record of it on a calendar, but since I just started my ADHD meds, I kept on forgetting.My mother had to take fertility medicine to get pregnant. My sister is normal.It can’t be pregnancy. For one thing, you can’t be pregnant for years and more importantly, I’m a virgin.What could this mean?
A: Being very thin or being very athletic can cause hormonal changes that can cause irregular periods. Your ADHD/meds should not have anything to do with it – and the meds shouldn’t cause you to be forgetful. If you’re noticing memory problems since starting medication, tell your doctor – it shouldn’t do that. As for your irregular periods, you also need to talk to your doctor, or ask your doctor for a referral to a good (and female, if that would be easier for you) gynecologist. Drawing hormonal blood labs might be in order.
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